Chapter 5

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It's been a week sense Issei's battle. Rias had returned to the human world but came to see Issei often as she got a new bishop in the long run.

"Hey Issei it's me again, I just wanted to come and check on you". Rias told Issei who laid in his bed resting. "Everyone is here with me". Rias told him and they all said hi together. "I am trying to stay strong, I am just worried that your still not awake". Rias told Issei and Zest sat on the other side of the bed.

"I promise you Miss Gremory when lord Issei wakes up you will be informed". Zest told her and she felt a little better knowing Zest was here.

"Thank you for everything you have done for Issei". Rias told the maid who smiled.

"It's my joy to help Lord Issei". Zest told them and the door opened and Sirzechs walked in with Grayfia.


"Lord Lucifer". Everyone bowed in respect to Sirzechs who waved them off.

"Please guys at ease, how is Issei Zest"? Sirzechs asked and she pulled up a hologram of what looked his vitals.

"Everything seems to be ok, but the finally blow damage the part of his brain and controls his consciousness and awareness. Most likely the cause of the coma". Zest told Sirzechs who nodded his head.

"Thank you for your work Zest, Rias you should head back to the human world, Riser will be there soon". Sirzechs told his sister who's face went emotionless.

"Ok, we will be back later tonight". Rias said and her and the ORC all gave him a hug and they walked out.

"Please wake up soon". Zest told herself as she walked out of the room and went to take a shower.

Time skip

Zest was finishing up some cleaning inside Issei's room when the chart popped up and the part of the brain that was not working right started to show signs of fixing. Zest looked back and saw Issei's hand twitch as she walked over.

"Come on Issei, please wake up. Wake up for me and the others". Zest told Issei as his eyes finally slowly opened.

"Ahh, my heads killing me". Issei said sitting up till Zest tacked him in a hug crying. "Hey what's wrong"? Issei asked confused and the door opened and Rias and the rest walked in for the normal Visit and saw Issei up.

"ISSEI". Rias and Akeno yelled and ran and hugged him too. "Thank goodness your ok".

"Why are you all acting like this, I just rested up". Issei told them and they looked confused.

"Issei how long do you think you where asleep for"? Rias asked and he looked weird.

"Like a day, why"? Issei asked and everyone looked at each other.

"Issei you have been in a coma for almost 2 weeks". Issei eyes went wide.

"What the hell". Issei was confused. "BOOSTED GEAR". Issei summoned his sacred gear. "Ddraig can you hear me"? Issei asked and it sounded like
he was also waking up.

"Yes I am, that was not a bad nap". Ddraig told Issei who was shocked he also didn't know.

"Ddraig we have been in a coma for almost 2 weeks". Issei told him and he was shocked.

"What the hell, it felt like hours. I guess it was really days". Ddraig said and Issei nodded.

"Glad to see your up Issei". Everyone saw Sirzechs walk in.

"Hey Sirzechs, how you feeling"? Issei asked and he chuckled.

"Still sore, you made me use more power then I have in a long time, be proud of that". Sirzechs told Issei who smirked.

"I am close I just got some more training and I will be ready". Issei told Sirzechs who nodded his head. "But damn, 2 weeks that is a long time". Issei told them all. "Hopefully it had no affect on me". Issei told himself and everyone else.

"As weird as it sounds get some proper rest for now Issei. We will wake you up in the morning". Sirzechs told him and he nodded his head and deactivated the boosted gear and fell asleep quickly, Zest joined same with Rias and Akeno.

The next morning

Issei slowly opened his eyes and tried to moved but felt 2 heavy body's.

"That's weird, wait". Issei moved the covers and saw Rias and Akeno naked sleeping. "I am assuming they joined after I fell asleep". Issei told himself as the door opened and Zest walked in with Issei's normal outfit.

"Good morning lord Issei, I am glad to see you awake". Zest told Issei who chuckled and got up and got dressed.

"Rias, Akeno, you gonna wake up"? Issei asked them and got no response. "Hmmm must be tired, probably didn't sleep at lot while I was in my coma". Issei thought to himself.

"Indeed, they came by to see you a lot and stayed some nights later then others". Ddraig told Issei who nodded his head.

"I will go downstairs and get food ready". Zest said bowing as Issei looked at his dragon mark and then went downstairs.

"Issei, I am glad to see you awake". Grayfia was the one who spoke up as he walked into the kitchen and he smiled.

"Thank you, it's good to see you again Grayfia". Issei told them as he sat down at the table and they brought food over to him.

"I am assuming the other 2 are asleep"? Issei looked back and saw Kiba Koneko and Asia.

"Hey guys, yea but hopefully they wake up in time". Issei said and the 2 ladies finally walked into the kitchen and sat down with everyone else.

"Good morning everyone". Rias said our lord and everyone said hi back.

"Issei, there is something I have to talked to you about later". Ddraig told Issei who nodded his head and continued to eat.


Everyone finished there food and where currently in school in there last period. Rias was acting kinda strange, he was not sure why but he was gonna ask.

"I wonder what's got her like this"? Issei asked himself unaware of the situation she was in. "Hey Rias you ok"? Issei called over and she nodded her head.

"I just have a lot on my mind that's all". Rias told Issei who nodded his head as the bell rang and everyone left and the ORC members walked into the ORC. "Issei I don't believe you have a familiar, yes"? Rias asked and he nodded his head. "We should go and get you one". Rias told him and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't see why not, that will actually allow me to speak to you". Ddraig told Issei who nodded.

"Alright let's get going". Issei told them and they all vanished in a magical circle, issei dragon marked glowed a dark red and he vanished in his red aura.

Bammm new chapter hope you enjoyed it, like comment share and as I always say until next time THUNDER_GOD17 OUTTT

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