Chapter 51

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Rias and everyone appears inside the Lucifer castle as the leaders all where in there battle armors. "Rias." Sirzechs yelled as she held Issei.

"Someone used the Holy grail on Issei and drained his powers." Rias told her brother who was gonna respond until a loud roar was heard as he and everyone looked outside and saw Rizevium.

"Dear lord, the end is here." Ajuka said as Sirzechs narrowed his eyes.

"Leaders, it's are job to stop Trihexa, we need to hold it off long enough to let the devils run away." Sirzech told them all and they nodded. "Rias stay here we can't have you out there." Sirzechs told her as he and the leaders teleported outside.

"I can fight." Issei said weakly as he got to his feet. "I can help them, I still have some power." Issei told the others as he summoned the Boosted gear.

"Issei you can't help them your to weak." Rias told him and he snapped.

"I DO NOT CARE, THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO END WE NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET." Issei yelled at her shocking everyone. "NOW ARE YOU IN OR OUT?" Issei asked and everyone looked at each other.

"We all are in." Issei looked back and saw Vali Sona and her peerage. "Let's go take that thing down." Vali said and Issei smirked.

"OK EVERYONE ITS TIME TO SHOW WHAT ARE TRAINING HAS DONE." Issei yelled as everyone yelled with him.

With the Leaders

Sirzechs and everyone looked up and saw  Rizevim.


"RIZEVIM, WE WILL NOT LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS." Sirzechs yelled as hundreds of soldiers of all 3 faction flooded the battle field.

"THEN DIEEEEEE, CHARGEEEEEEEE."  Rizevim yelled to his army as they took off at the faction army.

"CHARGEEEEEEEE." The leaders yelled as they all took off with their army.

"They will all die my lord, all of them." Euclid told his leader who smirked.

"I will summon Tirhexa soon enough for now go and deal with the leaders." Euclid nodded and went after the leaders as he cloned himself as the two huge army's clashed as the final battle was happening.

"DIVIDE." Rizevium looked up and saw Vali in his armor.

"Vali." Rizevium said with a cold tone as he looked at his grandfather. "Be a good boy and join my side or die." Rizevium told him not seeing Issei shoot up under him as he was blow out of the sky and into the ground.

"It's all of us you scumbag." Vali said as Rizevium looked up and saw the ORC members and the student council members and Sairaorg with his members.

"THIS IS THE WELSH DRAGON FORCE." Issei yelled at the devil in his balance breaker. "We will stop you at ant cost." Issei told him as he smirked.

"THEN LETS GET THE REAL PARTY STARTED." Rizevium yelled as he used his power and summoned Tirhexa as it roared and slapped Issei and Vali out of the sky.

"EVERYONE FOCUS ON TRIHEXA, KEEP IT FROM THE PEOPLE, SONA AND SAIRAORG YOU AND YOUR GROUP DEFEND THE PEOPLE." Rias yelled to everyone and they nodded and jumped right into action as the leaders flew over to Rias. "Don't try to stop us it's do or die here brother." Rias told him and he nodded.

"I know mom and dad and the others are helping people get away." Sirzechs told his sister. "Think that training actually helped?" He asked her and she smirked.

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