Chapter 28

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"Alright everyone, today is the day. Let go and win this game and move onto the second round". Rias yelled and everyone cheered.

"We got this Rias". Issei stood next to her as she smiled holding his hand. "I promise no one will bring harm to you or anyone in this fight". Issei told her flashing his cocky yet devilish smile.

"I am glad I met you Issei, the others feel the same". Rias told him smiling as he chuckled.

"I am glad I got to grow up with you Akeno and the others". Issei told her as Azazel Rossweisse and Irina stood with them.

"I wish you all the best of luck, go out there and fight till your heart breaks. I know you guys can win this match". Azazel told them all with a drink in his hand.

"Yes good luck to you guys I will be praying for you". Irina said to the group as they smiled at them.

"Yes good luck to you and everyone". Rossweisse told the group as they teleported away.

"We will join them sooner, if they do strike we say we knew if not we just say we went to support them personally". Azazel told the two other girls.

With the group

Everyone was teleported to the battle arena witch was a huge mountain range with a castle at the top of it.

"I am guessing this is the main battle field, he is most likely in that castle". Rias told the group of devils who looked around.

"This is a interesting battle arena, of course he gets the high ground advantage". Issei said rolling his eyes in annoyance. "Snotty little shit better be ready for a deadly beat down". Issei said smirking as he and the others started to walk towards the castle.

"Magical circles"? Asia called out as orange magical circles flooded the sky.

"Those are not the crescent of the astaroth family, be careful". Rias said as Kiba and Xenovia summoned there blades Koneko activated her Senju powers Akeno her holy lightning and Rias her POD.

"Those markings, they serve the old Satan faction". Issei called out as hundreds of rouge devils appeared in the sky. "Bastard, he is tied in with the chaos brigade and the old Satan faction". Issei growled.

"AHHHHH". Issei and everyone looked back and saw Diodora holding Asia by her leg.

"Greetings everyone, Asia will be coming with me while you all die by the old Satan faction". Diodora told them smirking.

"Give Asia back you sick perv". Xenovia yelled at him as she shot up to cut him but he flew higher then she could jump and vanished with Asia.

"ASIA"! Everyone yelled as they where now completely surrounded by the rouge devils.

"So we where right". Everyone jumped when they saw Odin appear next to the group.

"Odin"? Issei asked confused as he looked around.

"We had a feeling Diodora was tied to the old Satan faction. HEAR ME I AM THE ALL FATHER. ANYONE WHO CAN TAKE MY HEAD WILL BECOME A WORRIER OF LEGENDARY STATUS". Odin yelled to the devils.

"HAAAAAAAAAA". They all yelled as Odin smirked and tapped his staff on the group as a huge wave of power killed them all off.

"That brat Azazel was right, draw then in and kill them all in one swift move". Odin said smirking. "All of you go I will hold these bastards off. I know you have a friend in need right now". Odin told
The group of young devils.

"We will take your offer Lord Odin, please kill as many as possible". Rias said and he nodded his head as her and the others took off.

"We can still make it there in time". Akeno said as they continued to run by the mountain.

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