Chapter 50

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Issei was currently flying in the valley of mountains. "I need to see if I can find the text God told me about." Issei landed at the valley as he saw the entrance to the cave. "Lets see if I can find what I am.....looking for." Issei looked at the ground and saw a trail of blood.

"Issei someone in inside that cave already." Ddraig told his host as he ran inside looking around as he grabbed a stick and lit it on fire and followed the trail as he ran deeper until he saw a Woman bleeding from a stab wound as he ran over he sensed devil poison. "This woman is a devil Issei, use your flames to burn the poison." Ddraig told his host as he summoned his flames and used them making the woman groan in pain as after a while the wound healed as she was breathing hard.

"Are you ok?" Issei asked the woman who looked up and saw Issei and blushed.

"Y-yes thank you for saving my life." The woman told Issei as she sensed he had a dragon aura. "Who are you?" She quickly asked Issei who cocked a eyebrow.

"My name is Issei red." The woman shot up grabbing him.

"As in the Red Dragon Emperor?" She asked and he nodded as she let him go seeing his face. "Thank god, maybe I can right my wrongs." She said as Issei cocked a eyebrow. "Your here looking for the words of the God of dragons yes?" She asked him and he nodded.

"How did you know this?" Issei asked her confused.

"I am the one who helped Rizevim get your mothers powers." Issei grabbed her by the neck choaking her.

"You're the reason my mother is in a comma." Issei told her coldly with no emotion on his face. "I am gonna squeeze the life out of you like your scumbag devil king did to my mother." Issei told her as he watched her scramble.

"P-please, I can help you stop him." She choaked out but Issei did not stop.

"Issei she is telling the truth stop." Ddraig said and he did not budge.

"I can help you read the text and you can save your mother." Issei growled looking away then finally dropped her.

"Help me stop him, try any tricks and I decapitate you, understand?" He asked summoning his dragon slayer from his Boosted gear gauntlet and she nodded fast. "Good now why did you leave him?" Issei asked as they walked threw the tunnels.

"I didn't. He got what he wanted then stabbed me and threw me away like trash. If i did not know how to help him he would have killed me long ago, he abused me and only kept my to do his dirty work." She told Issei who felt bad now for what he did.

"That sounds bad, I am sorry." Issei told her as the two continued to walk in silence.

"How do you know how to read the text? Is it in a different language or something?" Issei asked her and she nodded her head.

"Yes it is, a lost language. My family worshiped the God of Dragon's. My family was taken as prisoners from the Old Satan faction and where used to help Rizevim master plan. When my parents refused to help he killed them all." She told him as he sensed her sadness.

"Well I will be sure to beat the shit out of him for both of us." Issei told her as they walked into a huge wall that had the dragon symbol Issei had on his shoulder. "The Welsh Dragon mark." Issei said as he walked up and touched it, It glowed a dark red as the bolder wall moved much to there shock. "That's new." Issei said as they walked into the room and it was the main room of a temple.

"Dear god, look at all this." There were drawings all over the wall. "It's the battle between the God of Dragons and the 666 beast." Issei was stunned as he looked at the drawlings on the wall. "Look at this." The girl told Issei as she read the words. "The final battle between The god of Dragon's and the 666 beast. "This is history, so much history." She told him as she saw under one image of a huge dragon facing off against the 666 beast there was a scroll.

"Look at this." Issei said as he and her walked over and grabbed it and opened it and it had writing on it. "What dose it say? Can you read it?" Issei asked the girl who nodded.

"It says, He who walks the path of light, claims the principle of domination with infinite dreams.........." Issei looked at her as she looked at him. "Issei it's talking about you." She went wide eyed. "Oh my god it makes sense."

"What?" Issei asked her.

"When he threw me away I asked him why he wanted to take you down so badly, he said he saw futures where you stopped him." She told Issei who cocked eyebrow. "Issei your the key to stopping the 666 beast. Your the Red dragon emperor the script talks about." She told him.

"Wait what else dose it say?" Issei asked as she looked down.

"Once the chosen one finds the instrument of peace he shall strike it and know the power of righteous." She told him as he looked around then saw a huge bell.

"Dose it mean bell on the ceiling?" Issei asked her and she shrugged her shoulders. "I am assuming yes." She told him as he took a step back and ran at the wall then jumped off and hit the bell making a loud sound as the place glowed. "What now?" Issei asked the girl.

"Now you both die." Issei looked up and saw Euclid walked into the room. "Seth you failed your mission, you will both be killed by the 666 beast. We have both powers now." Euclid told them as she threw something at him.

"ISSEI RUN." Seth yelled as Euclid grabbed her and threw her to the ground.

"HEY." Issei dashed forward but Euclid pulled the Holy Grail out as Issei felt his power start to be drained from his body. "N-no." Issei felt himself continue to grow weaker.

"I will be sure to leave enough power so you do not go into a coma, Seth you will be left to die." Euclid said slamming her head into the ground.

"ISSEI?" Euclid heard another voice as Rias and the ORC members ran into the room as he teleported away.

"N-no." Issei weakly said as they all ran over to him.

"Issei, Rizevim has both your parents power, he is gonna unleash Trihexa." Issei weakly groaned as he felt powerless. "We have to take you back to the underworld." Rias said as she got him and the other girl. "Let's go everyone." Rias said as they all teleported away.

With Rizevium

"Now Trihexa, come to me and be mine." The devil took the Holy Grail and used Great red and Issei's power to brake the seal as Trihexa unleashed a powerful roar as it was teleported right outside his castle with the Armada. "Now the end begins." Rizevium said as he smirked.

Bammmm chapter 50 done like comment share and as I always say UNTIL NEXT TIME THUNDER_GOD18 OUTTT

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