𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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The sound of the shell

The h/c head girl woke up in the now damage half-plane

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The h/c head girl woke up in the now damage half-plane. it showed trees on the outside. Wires were poking out and in a couple of tiny sparks appeared. Slowly, the girl got up with her head all sore. It felt like a million punches hit through her skull. She groaned, hopping out of the plane.
The h/cette looked around, seeing she's all alone, wondering what happen to the boys and the adults.
She thought the boys were scared and confused like her and ran off.
She highly doubt that there's any adults that survived.

The girl takes off her gray-blue school jacket, letting it drop on the ground. She walked away, moving trees and branches to get through. She felt some poke her from the spikes. She found a location where there was rocks.
She at down on the biggest rock.
There was a green lizard sitting on another rock. She carefully picked up the green creature and petting it smoothly with her index finger from head to the tail. The skin texture felt squishy and a bit rough, though it was adorable.
"Unique creature aren't you?" She said.

The sound of an octave echoed threw the forest.
The girl let's go of the small lizard and hoped of the rock, adjusting her dress on the bottom after. She lowered herself down on the rocks, leading her to the lagoon.
Where there, she saw two boys. One with blond fair hair, blowing the shell and the other, fat and had glasses. She herd a couple of other boys coming behind her. Some were naked, covered in sticky fruit and some were half clothe. The girl kept her gaze away at the ones who were completely naked. The ones who had half their clothes on, same underneath uniform, as her. White button ups, striped stockings and pull overs. they even wore their gray-blue shorts. It was the same color as her overall dress. The octave from the shell went silent.
Two boys ran past her and flung themselves in front of the fair hair, grinning and panting with wet lips. One with bullet-headed, the other with hair-like tower. Both a bit chubby. They were twins.

"Sam, Eric. Sam, Eric" they said.

The fat boy looked very confused. She doesn't blame him; they're are so identical, can't tell which ones who. The twins pointed at each other, causing the whole crowd laugh, including her.
The echoes from the conch died, so did the laughter. Everybody sat down on the trunks.
Within the diamond haze of the beach, it looked some sort of creature coming to them. it was all clothing. The creature is actually a party of boys, marching and singing in two parallel lines.
They were fully clothed, neck to feet. Their whole body was covered by a black cloak with a silver cross on the left breast. they were strangely type of shirts and shorts. They also had square black caps. The island was pretty hot and seeing them march with clothes like that.
The party was about 10 yards away from them. The tall boy in the meadow, shouted an order at them, making them stay in place. He was thin, boney: with red curly hair and nice set of blue eyes. his face was crumbled, ugly without silliness, covered full of freckles.
"Where is the man with the trumpet?" He asked.
"There is no man with the trumpet. Only me"
The Fair hair boy hoped off the truck. "Isn't there a man here?" "No".
"Then I guess we better keep looking" his expression was serious.
"We're having a meeting. Come join in" the fair hair said. The choir began to scatter around, but stopped by the tall boy. "Choir! Stand still!".
The choir huddle back to their line.
"But Merridew, please Merridew....can't we?" Then one boy from the party flopped on the ground. The choir and a few other boys and the girl went to help the boy on the ground. Grabbing his arms and legs dragging him to the center.
"All right, then sit down let him alone" Merridew said.
"But Merridew"
"Simon's always throwing a faint"
They lightly laid the boy down, right next to the choir.

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