𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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Huts on the beach

While Jack was somewhere doing, whatever the hell he was doing

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While Jack was somewhere doing, whatever the hell he was doing. Y/n was helping the boys build a shelter that faced the lagoon. She grabbed a branch and gave it Ralph. He placed it on top of together-sticks for the roof.
The little boys are known now by the tittle "Littluns" and the big ones "Biguns". There were only a few shelters so far. The littluns that claimed it, brought fruits and other things, storing it in the hut.
"Up a bit" Simon spoke inside the hut. Y/n did exactly what he said and lifted up the branch.
The leaves came apart and flutter down, making a whole. Simon's contrite face appear.
Y/n felt guilty. "Sorry"
"Never get it done" she herd Ralph. Her and Simon remained looking at each other.
They heard Ralph explain, which sounded like he was a irritated.
"Been working for days now. And look!"
Though it was pretty annoying because it didn't really have a strong grip and it was a little shaky, it could easily fall down with just one touch of a finger.

They keep priming. Do you remember the meeting? how everyone was going to work hard until the shelters were finished?"

"Except me and my hunters"
Except the hunters well the littluns are-"
Ralph paused for a moment.
They're hopeless. The older ones aren't much better. Do you see? all day I've been working with Simon and Y/n. No one else. There off, bathing, eating and playing."
Simon lift his head up from the hole, taking his gaze off of Y/n.
"You're chief. You tell 'em off"
Ralph played and looked up at the palm trees and the sky. "Meetings. Don't we love meetings? Every day. Twice a day.
We talk." He'got on one elbow. "I bet if 1 blew the conch this min-ute, they'd come running.- Then we'd be, you know, very solemn, and someone would say we ought to build a jet, or a submarine, or a TV set. When the meeting was over they'd work for five minutes then wander off or go hunting." Y/n couldn't tell that was sarcasm or not.
Jack flushed.

"We want meat"
"And we don't get it"
"But I shalll Next time! I've got to get a barb on this spear! We wounded a pig and the spear fell out. If we could only make barbs-"
"We need shelters."

Y/n already took her attention off the three. as they went on, she tried fixing the hole on the hut. Since she needed more of the leaves, she went to the jungle to grab some more, hearing the boys voices get lower and lower. Eventually, she couldn't hear them anymore. She grabbed stacks and stacks of leaves from the ground, humming a soft tune while doing so. The tune was a lullaby. Her mother would sing to her every night in bed.
Her mother is always her big influence. She taught her so many things. She lives with her mother, her father and her grandfather.
Her father is a businessman and her mother works as a waitress at a fast food. She stays at home with her grandfather, taking care of her.
He would tell her stories of life time, mostly his younger years.
Every evening, when her father comes home, she would always run to him as soon as he opens the door, and he will pick her up and give her a kiss.
Her mother gets home a few minutes before she does and every night when her mother's making dinner, she would teach her how to cook in a proper way. That way she knows when she has her own husband and kids.
One time, a day before getting on the plane. her mother told her some words that she will never forget. It hit her with the flashback.

In the living room, her mother was brushing her hair then slowly stopped. Y/n was confused.
"Y/n" her mother said.
"Yes Mother" she turn, to face her mother's serious doll-up face. "Promise me something dear."
"Of course" her mother lowered her head; looking deep into her e/c eyes.
"You are my lovely little girl...and—I want you to promise me that-in any situation that's brutal...be brave for me" she sniffed between her sentences; sounding like she was going to cry.
Y/n frown and nodded. then it came the day where World War II started, and children had to be loaded in planes. Y/n remembered last seeing her mother cry on her father's shoulder, he was also sad too.

There were planes for two groups, one for boys and girls. and of course she was supposed to be with a group of girls, but mistakenly ended up with the boys. plane crash, and here they are.

Y/n continue on, ending the flashback.
Further away, she can see a a head above the bushes.
The familiar black hair widen her eyes.
She picked up the pace in her walk. "Simon!"
She yelled. But he didn't hear her.
She was a few yards away from him.
Simon was taken in the surroundings, while holding petting a Green lizard. He was underneath the yellow sunlight, that peaked through the trees.
It was like a spotlight on him. he didn't seem to notice her.
She walked close to the boy, trying not to startle him. Then again, she called him, but in a soft voice. "Simon" he turned around to come face the girl, fingers still on the lizard. The She gave a little grin and he gave one back.
There was silence.
Her eyes travel down to one of his arms, noticing he was holding fruits.
"I see you gather some fruits"
He looked down then back at her. "Yeah, to feed for the little'uns ".
"Well I was gathering more leaves for the shelters" she bounced her arms.
"That's very sweet of you" she turned around, beginning to leave.
"Wait!" Simon stops her. She turned curiously.
Simon approached her.
"I noticed you with the Littluns. You also cared about them—this like...they had an angel-that comfort them always saying everything will be alright. Like a mother would do."

Y/n flushed.

Both of the kid's skin were now tan from the sun and glossy in sweat. Y/n's hair is already frizzy and tangled. Y/n started into his light eyes. It's like she feels she's in a different world. The boy sat down.
Y/n lays the leaves down and sat really close next to the boy. He lays his head on her shoulder.
Y/n surprised about this, making her wonder what was going on.
He didn't answer. Y/n lays her head on top of his and put her arm around him.
What was going on with him? Well it could be nothing.

Y/n remembers feeling like this once. everyone in school would think she was queer. So she didn't really have friends. When she gets home, she would lay on her mothers lap and tell her about her problems. but I would always make her feel better by giving her a hug. But she was thankful having someone that sorta can relate.
The two sat there in the warm honey sunlight, shining upon them. Darkness poured out. The scent from the candle buds that she noticed that were around spilled out into the air and took possession of the island

 The scent from the candle buds that she noticed that were around spilled out into the air and took possession of the island

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(Art not mine)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞 ✈︎𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐅Where stories live. Discover now