
120 10 4

Inks pov

     I make a portal to Error's anitvoid. It's not so white in there anymore, honestly. He has strings hanging around, a few peices of furniture, rugs he made himself and a few other pieces. He will never admit it, but I've caught him smiling looking at his new place.

I creep around his giant bean bag chair, getting on my hands and knees to be more stealthy. As soon as I'm close enough, I jump around, trying to scare him. But no one was there. I sit back on my knees in confusion, wondering where he went. We were supposed to meet today, right?

Hands wrap around my chest and hoist me up. I know it's Error due to the error signs popping around me more frantically. They sort of feel like bubbles. He has been getting better at touching me, and honestly? I'm quite proud.

I'm plopped into the bean bag chair, as he stands in front of me. Oh.. he looks pissed.  Did Dream tell him?

"Well, I was going to give you some of the cake I made with Blue, but apparently you've been bad" He sat infront of me, playing with his strings.  It was clear he was uncomfortable. He didn't know how to help someone, let alone be an authority.

"Error, it's okay. Just calm down. I've already been lectured" I sigh and throw myself back into the chair. It seems like he relaxes a bit, and plops himself beside me. 

"Give me your lunch. I'll make sure you eat it" He held out his hand.

"Come onnnnn Error. You're my enemy, not my mum" I hiss before I realize I called him my enemy.  He looked hurt, but away from me. "I mean.. my friend"

"Yeah, sure. Get your crochet out, we will work on the..?"

"Half double crochet" I finish. He looks impressed that I remembered.

We sit in the anti-void for about an hour, me struggling to get the stitch to work. I finally get a row completed of the same stitch, same tension, and same height.

Error chuckles and pulls out something from the classic brown lunch bag and hands it to me. It's a container of homemade apple sauce.

"Want me to feed you, little one?" he teased, throwing a spoon at me.

"Oh fuck off" I hiss, taking the lid off of the container and slowly eat it. It takes me a few seconds to realize that Error is litteraly staring at me. "What...?"

"hm? making sure you eat it and don't..I dont know? throw it into a portal? Behind you? In your clothes?"

"oh..." this feels so awkward "Aren't you going to eat?" I ask, taking another spoonful out.

He shakes his head no, as motions for me to eat more. Suddenly, the wave of good feelings come through. I tilt the container back, making sure to eat every bit. The bag is beside him. Easy.
I lunge at it, my stomach going over his lap.

"ah.. no. If you eat too much, you will be sick"

"no, no Error I need more" I begin to shake "More!!"

Error holds my waist in one arm and the bag in the other
"what is going on with you.?" he looked at me, a little weirded out.

He tied me up with strings and back into the bean bag chair. I've eaten with him before, but nothing like this has happened.

Error pulls out his cell and calls someone. He walks away so he can have a more private conversation with whoever it is. It doesn't stop me from squirming, trying to get to that bag.

I'm on my stomach, inch worming to the bag when a foot steps infront of me, preventing me from squirming further.  Error looks down at me, with a weird expression.  I can't quite place it.

Another person picks me up. Then and only then does Error untangle me. I look at the gloved hands holding me and see black and gold. Dream.

"Thanks Error.. I'll take him home" He said, pulling my hands back as I keep reaching for the bag. Error hands the bag to Dream, who throws it through a portal. He steps through the portal too, laying me down on my bed.

"Dreamy.. it hurts..!" I cry "Food helps!!"

Dream doesnt say anything, wrapping his arms around me, sitting me on his lap.  He begins to hush and soothes me, as I cry louder.  I'm shaking, nauseous and dizzy. It feels awful, and I'm afraid I will be sick again.  "Please!!" I scream out as Dream lays me on my stomach, rubbing my back.

I keep writhing around on the bed, unable to find anywhere comfortable. Every part of my body aches. My vision goes grey, fading to black, until I can't see anymore.

I only calm down when a spoon hits my mouth. I bite the spoon hard, grabbing its contents. The spoon hits again and again. Soon I figure out he is only feeding me water. That's not food! That's why I'm not feeling better.

I scream out, pushing him away as my body starts to shake uncontrollably. I feel his body leave the bed. He beings to do something with glass. I can hear the clinking of it. My vision slowly comes back and I see Dreams form. He is pouring something into a glass. I take a closer look at what it is. Its... my vial. My yellow vial. He is pouring my yellow vial into my food..

"BLUE!! BLUE!!" I scream, hoping to get his attention for help. I immediately figure it all out. Dream is drugging me with positive emotions. That's why I've been feeling this way. Thats why I feel good after food..

"shit" Dream hisses. I sit up, getting some of my motor skills back. I dont have time to react before I see Dream's arm wind back and something hard hits me in the head.
Immediately, everything I've eaten comes back up again. Everything is spinning and I'm loosing my vision again.

Dream frantically grabs my hands and begins to soothe me.
"Just close your eyes, It's going to be okay.. just close your eyes" he coaxes, rubbing my skull.

I go to fight back, having spit bubble out of my mouth. Dream smiles and wipes it away, then continuing to rub my head.

"Close your eyes" He hums again "Its all going to be okay"

I look up once more to see Dream's calm face. Its the last thing I see before my head hits the pillow and I fall unconscious.

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