Lies and manipulation

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Dreams pov

I put my hand to my head, trying to think. My feet start moving and I stumble backwards, hitting Inks bookshelf. A few pieces of glassware fall around me, amoung a few books.  Then an idea forms in my head. 

I look at his small sleeping form. I have to do this. I have to do this. Its for his own good.

I start knocking things over, overturning furniture and even breaking a window. Blue isn't in the house at the moment, which is my only relief out of this mess.

I pick Ink up, making a portal to my hideout. Yeah, I have a secret hideout. Only Ink knew about it. Which is absolutely perfect.

It wasn't much, honestly. An Au made of a few rooms. It would feel like a cage to most people, unable to even go outside, but to me it felt nice. The limited space realxed me. There wasnt much to worry about here. But I knew it would make Ink panic, so I would have to keep him asleep until I found a more permanent placement.

"Okay.. I didn't kidnap him, he needs me. I am helping him so I did not kidnap him" I say firmly to myself. I'm right. Ink needs my help, and this is how I'm going to help Ink.

I found out about his issue weeks ago. Most people were afraid to call it was it was, but I saw it clearly.  Ink was sick. The negativity taking over his world, leaving him stranded on a sinking boat in the middle of the sea. Only I could help him, and I knew it.

Of course, it didn't feel good. At first. But making him smile made everything worth it. All of the sneaking and the lies always meant something when he was cuddled up to us or explaining his day with the bigger smile then I could imagine. It was better then him being locked in his room. I always could hear the soft cries when I stopped in that hall and put my head onto that door. The hopeless cries of someone trapped in a world they couldn't escape. This was too much of an improvement that I couldn't stop. I just planned on dosing one meal, then returning his vial. But everything went back go that normal once it wore off. So I was forced to do it again. And again.
It's my job as the Guardian Of Positivity to make sure everyone is happy. Especially those around me.

I gently lie Ink down on my bed, covering him with multiple blankets. I hope he is warm enough.
I silently lean over and kiss his head, using the contact to settle some of my magic in his head to keep him asleep.  It would just feel warm and comforting to him.

I take a deep breath and go back to the base, confident that Ink will stay asleep for days. Of course, I will check on him, make sure he is okay and all of that. He will be safe there.

My phone starts ringing. I freeze and look at the contact name. Its Blue. I take another deep breath and answer.

"Hey? Have you seen Ink? His room is a mess and there is blood. Is he with you?" Blue askes, not giving me a chance to say anything.

"What? I knew he went to bed, so I did some rounds. What do you mean his room is a mess?" I demand. I feel bad lying to my friend, worrying him. But I know he would take Ink back and take away my methods. It would launch Ink back into a depressive state. I couldn't let it happen.

"There is glass everywhere and .. oh god he even left his brush" He stopped for a moment, thinking "Dream, maybe he was taken?

My body stops working for a moment. Think of something,, think!!

"Uh.. maybe the Bad sanses took him?"

"No!! We have a truce!! They wouldn't have!" Blue cries into the phone "I'm gonna get Classic, we're gonna find him. Come home, okay?"

"I'm already here... have we been talking to eachother on the phone in the same house?"

Suddenly the line disconnects and Blue runs down the stairs, right into my arms.
"What if he hurt himself Dream?? What if he is dead??"

"He wouldn't have, sweetheart. Just.. let's get help to find him, okay?" I say, trying to keep my composure calm.

Blue looked up, tears welling in his eyes. It makes me want to help him too. But I know the sadness will pass in him. It didn't in Ink. That's what sets it apart.

He sniffled again, putting his head into my chest.
"I hope he comes home soon.."

"me too Blue.. me too"

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