make it home

119 8 3

Dreams pov

It had been an entire month since I had to take Ink. A lot has happened since that time. Inks been mainly asleep during this time, hooked up to an IV with his paint flowing through. I'm so glad I saw his stash before this mess happened. It was enough paint to get through a few years. I just hope it doesn't expire.
The others had given up on the big search. There was a team formed a few weeks ago, they checked every corner of the multiverse they had access to, and found absolutely no trace of the artist. It was like he vanished. Everyone came up with the idea that Ink was dead, or Nightmare had taken him. Although the latter didn't make sense. There was a truce, so why would Nightmare risk everything by taking him? Everyone was still keeping eyes out, but it was collectively decided to move on.
The most unfortunate, but lucky event, was that Blue moved out of the Base. Of course, we still hang out frequently, but it was too hard for him to stay in this house.  Everywhere he looked he had a memory of his friend.

Although it was hard to accept Blue and I weren't as close, it was perfect. I could take the entire downstairs to convert to our new home. It was easier to keep Ink in a confined area and besides, upstairs was still a frequent meeting spot for the sanses. I wasn't worried about the noise from downstairs, I had put up sound proofing mats all over the walls. They had been tested throughly, so I know there is not a risk.

I look around the room I had set up for my friend. It looked cozy and warm for Ink. But more importantly, safe. There was a few rooms down here. The main room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a small kitchenette. It was more like a basement then a downstairs, honestly, but it still worked the same. I sigh in satisfaction and adjust a few of the items I brought from his room down. Hopefully it will make the room more.. happy for him.

I teleport to the mini Au. I still think its called a pocket Au? But I'm not entirely sure. I step into the room and immediately hear muffled screaming. He is awake.

I walk into the room that I'm keeping Ink in. He is struggling on the bed. I had to tie his arms down with cloth. He kept trying to run, hurt himself and rip his IV out. There is also a cloth wrapped around his mouth and cuffs on his arm. Magic resistors.  I hate doing this to him, but I need to keep him safe.

I sit on the bed, rubbing my hand on his upper leg.
"Calm down.. I'm gonna take you home" I smile, hopefully reassuring him. His eyes widen with a bit of hope inside. I smile and keep going, loving this reaction
"Yeah, yeah, we are going back home and everything will be okay. I promise.  You just gotta trust me for a few moments, okay?"

He quickly nods, prompting me to slowly take off the restraints. After taking one off, getting no escape efforts, I take the other off. He stays still, so I continue with his IV, unhooking to from his arm and taking the insert out from his bones. It was completely empty anyway. I coo a bit, running my hand over the small drill hole I had to make in his arm.
"Good boy.." I coo to him, picking him up bridal style, noting how he curled around me "Let's go home."

I make a portal and walk though it, placing him on the bed. The door is locked, so he is not going anywhere. I also have the reassurance that he has the resistors on, meaning he can't teleport away. My mind is completely at ease that he will be safe.

"Okay, Let's get you ready" I smile, taking off his cloth gag.

"What do you mean?" He asks in a hoarse voice, coughing slightly. I'll get him water in a few moments.

I pick up a box as he swings his legs over, trying to stand up, using the edge of the bed. I place the box on the same surface and stand back.
"Everything in the box, please" I ask, going to the dresser. I know it's going to be a small fight, so I have time.

"What?" the inevitable question comes out.

"Your clothes, honey. I know they're uncomfortable and I need to make sure you have any weapons on your person. I haven't had the chance to check-"

"No." He cuts me off and heads for the stairs "Where is Blue?"

"He doesn't live here anymore" I say, not seeing a point in keeping secrets from him. "And the door is locked"

I begin to refold the clothing I picked out for him and place it off the bed. As he looks at the door. It takes him a few moments before he comes over to me. He seems to think for a second, looking around this place.  It seems to dawn on him there is no way out.

"Do I.. have to?" He asks, rubbing his arms slightly.

"Yeah. It's just me, we have changed in the same room together before, don't worry" I smile, seeming to convince him. I stand back, watching closely as he takes every piece of his uniform off. He starts off slowly, then begins to whip the last pieces off, clearly trying to get it over with. I chuckle a bit, watching him.

He reaches for the clothes I laid out, only for me to take his hand and lead him to the bathroom.
"We just need to clean you.  You have been laying in the same bed for an entire month" I smile, starting the shower and pushing him in.

I take off my gloves and roll my sleeves up, pushing the curtain to the other side.  His face is a complete rainbow, little freckles more prominent on his face. I reach out and rub my thumbs over his cheeks as the water rains down on both of us. It's quite nice and calming. Maybe I will use this as a tactic later on? If he panics or needs to be calmed?

He finally pulls away, so I grab the cloth and quickly scrub down his body. I try and make it as quick as I can, seeing how uncomfortable he is. It only takes a few moments, but he is completely clean. I smile in satisfaction and use a towel to wrap around him. I pick him up bridal style and walk to the bedroom.

"I like taking care of you. It's nice" I speak my mind, placing him on the bed. Using the towel, I dry him down and pull his pants on him. He grabs his shirt and pulls it over his head while I get the sweater ready. I grab both of his arms, putting the sleeves on first, then moving the rest of the fabric over his head. I pat the clothes down for a moment. He looks cute like this. Its a brown plaid set of pants with a cream coloured cable sweater.

"Want some socks?" I ask, going over to the dresser. 

"Oh .. uh.. sure?" He stutters out. I frown slightly and pull out two fuzzy socks. One is lavender and the other is  a mint.
"Wanna put them on?" I ask, presenting them to him. He nods and grabs them from my hands, starting to work the fabric onto his feet.

I turn around, taking a vial from my pocket and going to sit beside him. He looks so proud to have gotten them on his feet.

"You look so cozy" I smile, slowly grabbing Ink as if I'm going to hug him.

"Yeah.. Dream? You know you don't need to do this..?" He says softly.  I furrow my eyebrows together, confused about his tone.  Must have been a tone issue. He has those a lot.

"I need to make sure you're okay. Don't worry, I'll let you out soon. We just need to make sure you're okay, alright? Not too long" I soothe, rubbing his back.

"Oh.. okay" he smiles a bit, knowing he isn't going to die here. I'm sure he was worried about it.
Without a warning, I grab him and put the vial in his mouth, tilting it upwards. His eyes immediately go from calm to panicked, squirming around. But it was too late, the liquid is already down his throat. 

He is coughing as I put the cork back onto the vial and back into my pocket.  I rub his back as the paint seems to take effect.  The slight boost I get comes into effect too, sending slight pleasurable waves through my bones.  That's not the point of this, though. It's to make Ink feel better. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask, watching him get more and more giddy. He smiles widely and nods his head, taking my hand and jumping up. Its such a cool but sad contrast to what he was just moments before. 

I match his smile he leads me to the living room, getting lost several times. I'm not even sure how, there are only four rooms and a small hallway in this place.
I look down at him again, his face seeming to beam with sunshine.

Yeah, I can get used to this.

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