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    I flinch as the water heats up on my hands. I'm washing them after I vomited into them. Dream is currently washing my clothing, as they're dirty too. Thankfully only my hands and pants got it, I can't take another shower. He is between me and a door, so it's not like I can bolt to it. It wouldn't matter anyway, it's magic locked. My magic was taken away with the binds that adorn my wrists.

"Okay, your clothes are just drying.  Want lavender or blue sleeping clothes?" Dream asks, pulling two sets out and showing them to me. One has a sky print with stars and a deep blue shirt while the purple one is plain lavender pants and a royal purple shirt.

"Uh. . . lavender," I answer, taking them and putting them on. I struggle a bit with the shirt as my joints are sore from the positive overdose. Dream helps me pull the arm through. 

"Sorry about. . . yeah. I'll be careful next time," He promises

"No. No next time. Don't do it again!" I plead. Dream just cooes at me and grabs my cheek, letting me know there will be a next time and I have no say. I pull away and go sit on the bed, pouting a bit. He can't drug me again so soon, so I am safe for the time being.

"Wanna colour or. . .  your eyes are going white," he says sadly and grabs the yellow vile. He was right about my eyes, the colour was draining.  Usually one would scream or cry, run from him and hide, but I just felt numb. This happens so quickly when I only have access to certain number of viles. When I have them all it could take weeks for a drain. With one it can take one day. I hope Dream doesn't catch on.

He sits beside me, putting me in his lap and leaning me back, my head supported by his arm. He was litteraly cradling me. The shiney yellow vile is put up to my mouth and tilted backwards, sending liquid down my throat.  He takes the vile away after a few seconds having learnt his lesson from the episode hours ago.

"How's my sunshine?" He asked, putting the vile away. His smile gets wider when my eyelights come back in happy shapes.

"I'm okay!" I smile and flip on my stomach, squirming out of his grasp. Dream seems to smile more. Is my positivity effecting him too? That makes sense, he can feel positivity. Does it feel good?

"It's nice to see you happy again, sweetheart." He smiled and handed me some colouring pencils and a pad of paper. Oh! Does he want a picture? I lay on my stomach and begin to draw, feeling happy but not overwhelmingly happy like before. I like this. This is gonna be fun.  Dream lays beside me and watched me colour, complimenting me a lot. It boosts the happy feelings!

At one point it gets too much and I just hug Dream, giggling and shaking slighlty.  Dream climbs back onto the bed with me, curling around me. "Ive got you," he would soothe, petting my skull "I'll give you less next time, okay?" He promised.

"Can we go to Outertale?" I plead "I wanna see the stars!"

"Maybe tomorrow, honey. Maybe tomorrow," he lied. My body glows a bit, feeling warm. He is using his magic to put me to sleep. Thats okay! Sleep is nice. Everything is nice! I drift off in his arms as he feeds off my positivity. 

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