Tied up

124 8 1

Inks pov

I slowly come back into consciousness. My head is pounding and my stomach is flipping. Everything seems to be in pain. I try to sit up, only for something to stop me. I look to whatever it is, my eyes going to my wrists. There are padded cuffs around them, chained to the headboard.
Where am I? Am I in Nightmares castle?? My eyes dart around the room only to see Dream putting down his book. He was sitting a bit away from me, in a cushioned chair. There was a claw mark across his face. 

"Goodmorning sunshine, I'm sorry about those. You really hurt me last night" Dream said in his soothing voice. His fingers went to, his cheek, which had mark on it. The closer I look, the more apparent it becomes that it was my hand that did that. Not some wild animal. 

"I... did that?" Guilt floods my body, rising up and out of my mouth. Dream holds a bucket to my chin, catching the contents of my stomach. 

"Yes, but it's okay!!" He reassured, wiping my mouth "It will heal in a few days. Don't worry"
He grabbed another blanket and spread it over my body. I hurt him. I fucking hurt him. And I don't even remember it?

"Can I make it up to you?" I ask, my voice barley above a whisper.

He seems to stop, his eyes seeming to glimmer slighlty.  He thinks for a moment before facing me again.

"Yeah.. would you mind.. drinking this?" He picked up a glass of juice. It was apple, I think.

"That's it? Yeah! Sure!" I smile, wanting to make him happy again. He sits on the bed and brings the cup to my lips, slowly rubbing my leg.

"Do you remember anything?" He asks, watching me almost down the glass. He keeps tilting the glass as the liquid disappears.

"Huh.. no? I mean- WAIT" I scream the last part, making Dream jump. The feeling comes back. The overwhelming sensation of joy. It sounds good in theory, but in reality it feels like my body may explode. Like I need to crawl out of my bones, leaving whatever of me is left.

I begin to scream, it being too much this time.  The feeling is just- too much. I begin to thrash, trying to claw at my arms and face in an attempt to escape. It feels like I'm trapped.
Dream places the cup down, starting to rub my arms in an attempt to soothe me. He looks a quite worried and he is not good at hiding it.

"Breathe Ink, deep breaths, like this" He put a hand on my chest and began to do exaggerated breaths. Probably in order for me to follow. I scream louder, the movement of my chest stinging in a way I couldn't handle. I kick my legs, trying to get the pain to atleast subside. But nothing seems to work.

After a few moments, Dream seems to give up and grabs my torso. He is holding me in what feels like a hug. Unfortunately, I can't hug back, my arms still behind me tied to the frame.

I feel something wet fall on my shoulder.  I can't see, but Dream must be crying. It's not something I can deal with at the moment, as I scream and cry, just waiting for my body to explode at this point.

"It Hurts!!" I scream, burying my head into his chest.
All Dream does in response is rub my back, humming. It's the same tune he uses when were sick.

It calms me down slightly. It makes me think Dream knows I'm just sick, and not dying. So I'm not going to die?


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