Turn Them to Hunters

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Soap pulled Simon to his feet and walked him into the small bathroom, sitting him on the edge of the tub. He noticed, not without some humor, that it was so small the showerhead would be at Simon's chest. He was on the verge of saying they should just head back to base so he could get a proper bath when he met Simon's eyes again, this time in the light. They were really beautiful. They held a depth that Soap wasn't ever sure he would understand. He wasn't sure he wanted to.

"Gather your thoughts, Simon. I need a little more detail on what you said before." He knelt and eyed the cut in Simon's arm, turning it slightly to see it better. "I need to understand."

Simon watched as Soap dug around in the bathroom for what he needed. He wouldn't find it, but he didn't have time to speak before Soap realized it.

"I have to go to the truck."

"Don't." Both of them were surprised by the statement. Soap gathered himself easily.

"You said they didn't follow you." He reached for Simon but hesitated, letting his fingers brush against the skin of his shoulder. "I'll be quick."

He took Simon's phone and pressed it into his palm, making a show of holding his tight in his own and slipping out.

Simon chose to use the moment to get a grip. It was the best thing he could do to keep from absolutely losing his mind over Johnny stepping outside of his sight, even for a second. He needed to help the man understand the danger he was in, and they needed to move fast because he didn't trust the Coalition at all. He knew almost nothing of them. And he'd need to talk to Price about it. He'd remove Johnny from the equation first.

He looked to the door. It had been maybe ninety seconds, and Johnny had walked far enough that Simon could no longer hear his heartbeat. Thirty more seconds and he stood, too quickly really, reminding him that the blood he'd drank from his flask was not enough to cover for all they'd taken. He pressed his hands over his eyes for a second, catching his balance. He walked out, to the door, and cracked it open. Then he could hear the Sergeant, his boots on gravel. He was calm, collected. It was opposite of how it should have been, there had never been a time when Simon wasn't a step ahead, in control. He was the one to care for the others, to make the decisions, and now, twice, he'd forced Soap to take the role instead.

Soap found him at the door and raised his brows in question but didn't chide him for it. And Simon didn't answer, he just turned and returned to his seat. They didn't speak at first, Soap focused on Simon's wounds. Focused on keeping his cool as he inspected them. The busted lip and bruises from before were one thing, but these were violating, deeply personal.

"If I ever see who did this to you, I'll kill them." He mumbled from Simon's side.

Simon's heart was going to give out. He felt it. It wasn't inside his body anymore, it was somewhere between the protective cage of his ribs and the seemingly safe home that was Johnny. In limbo.

"You won't. You're leaving."

Soap's hands faltered momentarily. He contemplated how to respond. "Leaving where?"

Simon swallowed, and nodded. He would explain it right. Make it clear. "The Coalition, that's what they're calling themselves, thinks they can make more soldiers like me using my DNA. Apparently, every experiment since mine has failed, and they killed all the men from my group because they believed them failures."

Soap frowned. "Mhmm."

"They have sent me, now, to recruit. They were in Russia, they saw that you survived, and so they want you. They want you first, and then they want the others." Simon uttered the rehearsed words, keeping his emotion out of them.

Howl [COD Simon Ghost Riley & John Soap Mactavish AU]Where stories live. Discover now