1. The Chase

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Water puddled as rain poured from the sky. The silence of the night was overrun by the chaos of the city. They wouldn't let him get away this time; Renegade had escaped their grasp too many times. A villain like this is too dangerous to let run free. He is the worst of the worst, a cold-hearted killer. He sought out the weakness of others no matter what that weakness may be. Even if you think you're ahead of him he's already ten steps ahead of you. Yet, he was rivaled by one; the city's strongest fighter, their savior. The only man who has come close to ever purging the city of this evil. That man was the Flash, a hero, respected by even his enemies(that's what he tells himself at least). Flash was determined, he wouldn't let his greatest rival escape his reach again.

    Droplets fell from his boots as he jumped across the rooftop, rolling onto the next. He gracefully stood and continued his escape, heroes right on his tail. One, in particular, trailed faster than the rest. He could hear the screeching of helicopters closing on his location. The rooftops grew shorter and shorter as the block neared its end. Renegade looked around, calculating every possible escape route. Jumping off the edge and dropping into the sewers would be his best bet. He could lose the heroes in the tunnels and if a conflict arose he had an advantage in tight spaces. The building's edge was nearing. Renegade prepared to jump, ignoring all shouts of protests and orders from the heroes behind. He felt the ground disappear under his feet but before he could feel the freedom of falling through the air something grabbed his ankle. The force pulled him back towards the building. He was thrown onto the ground, head slamming onto the floor making light burst in his eyes. 'That's a concussion' was all that went through his now pounding head.

    "Not so fast, Renegade." The Flash said, "You're not getting away that easily." Renegade sat up, gripping his head, trying to ignore the black dots in his eyes. He glared at the hero standing before him.

    "I was wondering if you were going to let me go without even saying hello." He said, smirking as he stumbled to his feet. "You heroes just keep getting ruder. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking my leave now." The villain began walking towards the edge of the building.

    "I don't think so!" Flash yelled, charging at the villain at super spead. Dropping to the ground, Crimson dodged the attack. The hero chaged his path and began circling he villai, tearing the groud in teh process.

    "Well, now you've proved that heroes are just getting irresponsible." Crimson scoffed, a fight now unavoidable. He pulled a knife from the sheath attached to his belt. As the hero charged, the villain analized the heros movements. It was a killer move the hero used frequntly. He waited for the perfect moment and made his move. The knife slashed across the hero's thigh; he hissed in pain at the unwanted feeling of the blade. The hero tripped and fell to the ground. He could feel the blood slowly escaping the wound. A rust-like smell invaded the rainy air; the smell made Renegade smile, the scent of blood bringing pleasure to him. Flash got us and sped toward the villain, throwing a punch in defense. His fist comes in direct contact with the villain's face. Renegade stumbled back, shaking his head back and forth to try and stay alert. Blood streamed down the side of his mouth, and the metallic taste lingered in the back of his throat. Attack after attack, neither could best the other. Flash threw a punch only for it to be blocked.

"Nice try, hero," Renegade smirked, raising the knife above his head. As he tried to plunge the weapon into the hero something grabbed his wrist. The hero pushed up, keeping the knife from stabbing into his skin.

    "Give up Renegade." The hero grunted as he continued to hold back the attack. "You can't win." The villain stared into the hero's eyes, pushing harder on the knife. A devilish chuckle escaped the lips of the villain.

    "Where's the fun in that?" He said, insanity in his eyes.

Bang. A gunshot echoed throughout the city's sky grabbing the attention of both hero and villain. It was the police chief. The rooftops were surrounded. Renegade looked around him trying to find a way out. It's now or never. He dropped the blade that pinned the hero in place. He rushed to the edge of the rooftop pushing an officer off the edge, he saluted the hero and jumped toward freedom.

    "Damn it!" Flash cursed, watching as the villain escaped his grasp once again.

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