3. JLA

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Flash sped from his home in Central Cirty to the JLA publicized headquarters in DC. He zoomed into the building. The lobby was filled with reporters trying to interview any hero they could, as well as a multitude of civilians trying to sneak a look or amazed by the museum inside the headquarters. Flash pushed past the crowd, occasionally posing or waving to fans.

He stopped at a big metal door, allowing the camera to scan him. After confirming who he was, the heavy doors opened allowing the hero inside. He walked over to the zeta tube and waited for it to reconize him. A burst of light as a robotic woman announced his name. Flash walked into the space base and his attention was immediately grabbed by someone yelling his name.

    "Flash!" Another hero called out running over to him. Wally smiled as he realized who it was.

    "Artemis, hey it's been a while." He greeted his coworker. The two shook hands as they greeted. They continued catching up as they made their way to the briefing room for the morning's meeting. They paused outside the door, looking into the room of heroes.

    "Wally," Artemis said, placing a hand on his shoulder "A warning before we go in, Bats seems irritated today so don't say anything to make it worse for us." She warned the hero before they entered the briefing room.

    "Oh come on Arty, it can't be that bad." Wally tried to assure his coworker. Before Artemis could respond they were cut off by a dark and bruty man walking past. The two heroes sighed, mentally preparing themselves for the lecture they were about to get.

    "I call todays meeting into action." Batman addressed the group of heroes. "Things we need to talk about today include the list of villains still on the lose."

    "We have around 50 villains total in the US still unaccounted for, 100 world wide." Wonder Woman spoke up. "The top villain at the moment who has avoided capture is Renagade." Flash's eyes widened slightly at the sound of his lovers name. "The last thing we know about his location is that Flash fought him last night in Central City. He's off our radars now." She continued.

    "So he got away once again." Batman hissed, slamming his hands onto the table. "Do you want to tell me why you can't arrest one villain, Flash?"

    "I'll catch him next time," Flash answered, tensing up, "He won't get away again." Batman crossed his arms, glaring into the hero's eyes. Wally felt the stare go through his soul, seemingly judging every life choice he's ever made.

    "You better." Batman said. He was a man with little patience.

    "Wally, I know things are probably hard for you right. You have a whole city to protect now that Barry is gone. If you need any help at all, we are here for you." Black Canary said to the red head with a smile.

    "Thanks, but I can handle it." Wally said. He didn't want anything to actually happen to Dick so he needed his fellow heros to stay out of Central City. The meeting continues with much of the same vibe. Bla, Blah boring info. Wally zoned out quite a it but thankfully Artimis elbowed him to pay attention. After another hour, the meeting was finally over. Before Wally could run off anywhere Batman called out his name.

    "I need you to go through the crime reports of the last few years, maybe you could find any helpful information about your villain." Batman was a scary yet caring man. Flash sighed but new better then to pick a fight with the bat.

The day felt like years. Slow, painful years. Wally had been sitting at his desk filling out crime reports for nearly five hours. He was getting ready to call it a day when he got a notification on his phone. Iris still continued helping him after Berry's death, so whenever something happened in Central, Wally always new. He read the notification of an attack. Wally smirked seeing the name of the attacker...Renegade. He shot from his desk and raced out the door of the office without looking back.

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