7. The Message

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It had been a week since Renegade's escape. Criminal activity had been at a record low. The city was tranquil for the first time in years. It was like the calm before a storm. Tension lingered in the air like a ribbon waiting to be cut. Everyone was waiting for the villain to make his next move. Little did they know that it wouldn't be a long wait.

The calmness of the night was concurred by blaring sirens; the flashing lights turned the dark canvas of the sky into a colorful painting. He was back. Renegade has returned to plague the city once again. His first target was Mrs.Whitter, a woman who was known to have the most beautiful and expensive jewelry in the city. Renegade was on the run, unimaginable wealth tangled in his pockets. Heroes once again closing on his tail. He looked around for his escape choices and decided on the alleyways. He rushed to the edge of a building and turned to his pursuers.

"Good try little heroes." The villain laughed, jumping from the roof and disappearing into the shadows of the night.

"No," Flash shouted, sprinting to the ledge where the villain jumped from. He staired off the building, trying to find any clue to where the villain went. "He got away." The hero said, turning to the group of police who just arrived.

"Again!" An officer in the back shouted, "You need to do better Flash." He scoffed.

"I didn't see you anywhere close to getting near him." Flash snapped at his remark. They continued bickering over the villain's escape; throwing the blame around like a baseball. They all wanted the villain gone, yet none were able to get him.

Wally's phone dinged, interrupting the arguing. He pulled his phone out of his secret pocket and saw a message from Dick. 'Meet me at Lex Corps Warehouse, we need to talk.' He read the message in his head. He looked up and then back to his phone. "I have to go." He said, beginning to leave the scene.

"Wait, we're not done here." An officeryelled after him.

"I'll make my report later," Flash assured, then jumped from the building, racing through the streets.

The Knight and Knave (BirdFlash)Where stories live. Discover now