6. Morning

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The next day came quickly and just like every morning, Wally woke up alone. The light was peeking its way through the cracks of the blinds sending the signal of the morning. Wally stayed wrapped in the warmth of his covers for far too long. He didn't want to face him, not yet at least. He waited until his final alarm sounded to pry himself out of bed. He felt the stiff, chilled morning air on his skin. He left the bedroom and followed the hall like every other day. The apartment smelled of coffee and burnt toast. Dick was sitting on the couch waiting for his lover to wake.

"Morning," Wally said walking straight into the kitchen to get coffee. He poured the hot, brown liquid into a mug that had been set out for him.

"Good morning, darling." Dick greeted. He walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter. The two stood in silence for a moment not sure how to continue.

"So," Wally broke the silence, "What's that master plan about?" He asked, sipping on his coffee.

"You'll find out in due time." Dick teased, "You working today?" He asked, changing the subject. Where was the fun in a master plan if there is no surprise?

"Yeah." Wally responded, "Up to any crime tonight?" He asked.

"Nah, too tired." The villain replied, laying his head on the counter.

"I thought crime never rests?" Wally said sarcastically, poking the villain with his finger.

"Whoever told you that is a fucking moron." Dick laughed, "We criminals are always tired."

"I bet." The hero said, "Hey, about last night-" He tried to bring to subject back.

"Let's not talk about that, ok? I'm not in the mood to fight with you again." Dick stated.

"Fine, but we are talking about it again," Wally said, crossing his arms. They continued to talk for a few hours before Wally's watch began ringing again. "That's my cue to leave." He said, pressing a kiss onto the villain's lips. Dick smiled and waved his hero off.

The Knight and Knave (BirdFlash)Where stories live. Discover now