2. Morning

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The sun beamed through the curtains of his apartment window. The low beeping of an alarm lingered in the stiff morning air, the sound finally pulled the exhausted hero out of his sleep. He slapped his hand around trying to end the miserable sound. After the alarm was silenced, he rolled to face the other side of his bed. Empty. Like every morning, he was alone in his bed. How long had it been since they woke up together? Weeks? Months? It was hard for the hero to keep count at this point.

He pressed his face into his pillow, trying to shake the unwanted emotions. He was loved by the city, he didn't need to wake up next to his lover to feel loved. He sighed as he sat up in his bed, stretching the soreness from last night. He reluctantly stepped out of the warmth of his bed, limping to the door and opening it, revealing the rest of his apartment. It was smaller than most apartments but it was a good price for New York City. A short hall led to the living space. A kitchen sat to the left, opening to the living room on the right.

The room smelled of fresh coffee. The light from the sun illuminated the room revealing a human-looking shadow on the wooden floor. The hero looked to the couch, noticing the presence of another. He walked behind the figure and wrapped his arms around the other's shoulders. He pressed his face against the neck of the figure.

"Good morning, darling." The person greeted. The figure was met by a hum and the hero snuggling closer into his neck. "Someone's still tired I see." The man brushed his hands through Wally's hair.

The hero nodded, squeezing the other closer to him, not wanting to let his lover get away again. They stayed like this for a moment, holding onto the comfort of the other. Wally left the hug and walked around the couch to sit next to his boyfriend. He leaned into his lover's shoulder, squirming his way into another hug.

"I wonder why, Dick." The hero snarked. Dick smiled, hugging his boyfriend tighter.

"Well, if you would have just let me go then maybe you'd be all full of energy," Dick said. The hero rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's suggestion.

"Last time I checked, it would be rude of me not to say hello." Wally said cheekily to Dick. The villain laughed at hearing himself being quoted.

The two stayed cuddled together for what seemed like an eternity. These moments kept them going. In their chaotic lives, the small moments together were the only chance they could feel safe. Even though their careers collided with each other, they made way for their love. They knew what would happen if their relationship was exposed but they didn't care. Love was what made them feel human. It made them feel like they could live normally even if it was only little moments like these.

"Waly, I didn't hurt you too much last night, right?" Dick asked, looking at the bandaged thigh of the hero. Wally sat up so he could look the villain in the face. He smiled before ruffling Dick's hair.

"I'll be fine." He said, kissing Dick on the forehead. "You know you wouldn't have to ask that if you just gave up on crime." The hero insisted. This was a common suggestion between the two. Wally believed that the only way he and Dick could be together was if the other surrendered their career. A hero could never love a villain and a villain could never love a hero. They were of two separate worlds.

"Darling, you know I can't just give it up all that easily." Dick said, looking at the hero. Wally sighed and rolled his eyes. He knew this would be the response he'd get. He knew that his love was addicted to the adrenalin of the chase. He tried to push the subject more but was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. He gave the villain the look of this isn't over before standing up and taking the call.

"Flash speaking, go ahead." The hero announced over the phone. Dick looked at Wally as he nodded along to whatever the person on the other end was saying. The call didn't last too long, after a few minutes the hero ended the call and slipped his phone into his pocket. The hero took a breath and forced a smile to his boyfriend.

"I'm assuming you have to leave," Dick said.

"I'm sorry love." The hero confirmed the villain's guess, "I wish I could stay with you but duty calls." Wally leaned down and pressed a kiss on Dick's lips. He rushed off and in a matter of seconds he was back, fully in costume. Dick stood by the door waiting to wish his hero goodbye once again. "Will I be seeing you tonight?" Wally asked his boyfriend, grabbing his waist and pulling him into another hug.

"Depends." The villain said with a smirk growing on his face. The hero rolled his eyes and broke the embrace. He smiled and waved to Dick as he left the apartment.

The Knight and Knave (BirdFlash)Where stories live. Discover now