Chapter 46

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Xander's POV
Almost 7 years later
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

"Xander it's time for your session with Miss Addison." One of the nurses informed


I got off my bed and followed the nurse to one of the session rooms. A door opened and Miss Addison beckoned for me to come in

I went inside and sat on a gray couch in her room

"It's good to see you Xander. According to this weeks report you haven't been in an altercation in weeks. Good job on controlling your temper. It seems you're finally responding to the treatment."

"Treatment? I think the word you're looking for is abuse." I scoffed

"No one is abusing you here. We're all working hard to help you get better. Do you think your family wants you the way you are? Unless we fix you you'll be stuck here."

"I'm not broken. I don't need to be fucking fixed." I banged my fist on the table

She tsked in response and jotted something down

"Another outburst like that and I'll have to take a different approach. I don't think you'd like the alternative."

"I'm sorry." I stared and my lap

"I heard from the instructors that you're really good at soccer. Is that something you'd like to keep doing?"


"Does it make you happy."

"Nothing makes me happy anymore."

"That's a very mean thing to say. All of the people working here strive to create a happy environment for all of you."

"Well you're not doing a good job." I retorted harshly

"What would make you happy?"

"If you let me go home."

"We've been over this Xander. This is your home. You're never leaving because nobody wants you." She spoke is if her words were fact

"That's not true you lying bitch!"

"The only liar in this room is you. Quite frankly it pathetic. Look at yourself, why would anyone want you?"

"Fuck you!" I flipped the table and stormed out

I went back to my room and threw myself on my bed

"How was your session?" Jackson asked me

"What do you think?"

"Are you gonna get punished again?"

"Probably." I shrugged

"Can't you just try to control your anger? I hate seeing them hurt you."

"You think I want to get in trouble? I wish I was normal but I'm not." I buried my face in my pillow

"Please don't cry. I was being an ass. There's nothing wrong with you." He back tracked

"Jackson do we need to talk to you about lying again?" Dr. Singh entered the room with nurses

"No I was just trying to be a good roommate."

"You can do that without lying." She scolded

"Fuck off you condescending bitch!" I screamed

"Xander stop or you'll get punished."

"It's too late for that." She informed

I felt my ankles being grabbed. I screamed and held onto the bed

"No! Please, I'm sorry. Don't hurt me." I begged with tears running down my face

The guards were successfully in dragging my off my bed. They didn't bat and eye when I hit the floor. They just continued to walk out the room. I tried to hold onto the door frame but I quickly let go when I was tased in the ribs by another guard.

I was forced into what they called the quiet room. Where the guards strapped me onto a table then proceeded to blindfold me.

I was screaming at the top of my lungs hoping someone might hear and help me. My cries were muffled when they threw a towel over my face and dumped cold water over it. This was worse than when they drowned me in the ice bath to "cool me down"

"Be quiet or we'll do it again." Dr. Singh warned

They activated the silence by putting on noise cancelling headphones

I trembled in fear as I felt them put on my shock collar as well as stick wires all over my body.

My entire body tensed when I felt a very strong current surge throughout my entire body. It lasted a couple seconds until it stopped

My treatment consists of being electrocuted, water boarded, drowned, and isolated. They say I'm a wild dog that needs to be tamed. They say this is how bad dogs are treated.

I couldn't tell if anyone was in the room due to the blindfold and headphones.

My body never gets used to the torture because they up the voltage or have multiple nurse tase me at the same time. I normally pass out after too many rounds.

"AHHHHHH" I scream as I'm tased in the neck

"This isn't nap time! Don't fall asleep!" Nurse Kim yelled while ripping off my blindfold

I could see three nurses with stun sticks on either side of me

"Apologize!" Nurse Jones insisted

"I'm sorry." I cry out as all six of them tase me

Third Person POV

"HANDS IN THE AIR!" Swat team officers yelled as they raided the clinic

They responded to a frantic call from Jackson who stole a new nurses phone when they were dragging his roommate away to be tortured. He waited until they locked his door for shift change to call 911 and explain what was happening.

His call wasn't taken seriously. In fact officers called the facility to warn them that a patient called to falsely report abuse. It was during that call that the officer realized the truth behind Jackson's claim. Xander could be heard screaming "I'm sorry please stop hurting me, I'll do better" in the background. The officer didn't want to tip off the nurse so he played off the awkwardness with a joke about dramatic delinquents then hung up. LAPD's SWAT team was dispatched shortly after to save the patients.

All the nurses tasing Xander dropped their weapons and raised both hands

"Step away from the boy and exit the room. With their hands still in the air the nurse exited the torture room in a single file line

"Crap get a paramedic!" An officer yelled when he noticed Xander violently convulsing

He was still strapped to the table while thrashing around. His eyes looked like they were gonna pop out of his sockets and he was drooling.

All the officers in the room rushed to undo his restraints as well as remove the shock collar and wires from his body.

The paramedics had arrived as soon as he was free from his bindings and began to assist him. His seizure didn't last too long. Once his body relaxed then shifted him onto a stretcher and ran him out.


Favorite moment from this chapter?


Thanks for reading

Mwah ⚡️

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