How you met

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Homicidal Lui

(This will be in first person pov)

It was a beutifull day outside. The birds were chirping away singing their beutifull lullabies. The clouds looked like white fluffy cotton candy hanging in the baby blue sky. It was peaceful, yet so bittersweet.

The light of dawn had awoken me from another terrible nights rest. I rose from my bed and sat up moving my (f/c) blanket away and swinging my feet over the edge of the bed.

I could feel the bags under my eyes nearly hanging on the floor. My hair was an absolute mess and tangled to the point where birds might mistaken it for a nest.

Standing up I tip toed my way over to the bathroom, making sure to be very quite on my way there. Slowly opening  the door as soft as possible, and made my way inside.

Standing infront of the one thing I hate.

A mirror.

My body was littered in cuts and bruises. Some new some old. Some by them, others by me. But who cares. Its the same as every other day.

I made my way over to the shower. My bare feet hitting the cold bathroom tiles  as I turned the rusty faucet to the hot side. To my luck.....

There was no hot water. Obviously they used it all. I quickly got out of my pajama gown and moved into the cold shower.

It was freezing to say the least. My feet turning lightly blue from the cold. The hair on my skin stood up straight like I was just electrocuted. I couldn't help but shiver a bit.

I somehow managed to turn around in the cold water and wet my tangled hair. Quickly washing my hair with some shampoo I stole at a mall and rinsing it all out again.

I knew I would get in trouble. The splashing of water hitting the cold shower tiles were loud and echoing in the bathroom.

I grabbed a bar of soap and quicky washed my body gently as too not reopen any cuts.

I got out of the shower after turning off the water and again I met face to face with my enemy. My hands glided over some of the bruises and cuts.

The bruises hurt, most were still swollen. Some were turning purple, some yellow some blue some even red. I looked like some discoloured version of a rainbow.

After drying myself I made my way back towards my bedroom. A ragged worn out white towel wrapped around my body. Walking quickly I opend the door and went inside to my room.

Quickly drying some of my hair I didn't even bother brushing my hair just threw it in a messy, tangled bun. It's not as though anyone cares how I look. I threw on a shirt I had and some pants and made my way downstairs. I always leave my books at school seeing as I had no bag.

Just as I was about to leave through the from door, someone cleared their throat from behind me. Stopping me dead in my tracks I sighed. Knowing what comes next.

"I'll clean the house when I get home mom I'm running late for sch-"

Before I could finish my sentence a something made contact with the back of my head. I fell forward hitting my head against the wall aswell. I fell to the ground shocked.

It was a glass vase. There were pieces of glass shattered all around the floor. I was bearfoot at the time.

She's never gone this far before. She beat me and yanked me around and say hurtfull things but never did this before.

"Dont you come back home ever do you understand me. I should have had that abortion when I had the chance. You're a  failure. Worthless. Whore. Get out of my house before I help you get you"

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