How You Met

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Dr. Smiley

( This will be in first person pov)

Work was horrendous, frightening, painful and filled with horrible luck. Being a surgeon was the best job ever as you could save many lifes but today.... Today lots of those were taken away.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I stood in the middle of my ER looking at all the patients. Children screaming, parents yelling, elderly getting worse as they sat and wait....

But what really made this day so abominable was the fact that I had 200 students waiting in an over full ER with either serious to minor stab wounds other with serious to deadly to mild shot wounds.

Only having four surgeons really didn't work out for this small hospital. It felt like days apon days that we were there yet it was only minutes. The door to the ER slammed open.

"I need help please!!!! Help!! My daughter needs help!!!!"

Rushing over as my first instinct I took the little girl from the arms of her father and rushed towards any open bed.

But there was none


Going with my second best option I laid the little girl down on the flood before taking my stethoscope and listening to the little girls lungs and heart.


"Please she's my daughter, we looked away for mere second and she was floating down in the pool please SAVE HER!!!"

Being a top surgeon it was quite obvious that the little girl was long gone the second her father placed her over in my arms.


I looked at the girl laying in front of me as a tear rolled down my cheek. It's not only the fact that this little girl was dead in front of me but being overestimated and over worked made everything so much emotional.

"Your daughter was already long gone when you came here. I'm sorry for your loss"

The nurses came to comfort the parents as I left, knowing that will take care of her little body while I go to catch my breath.

Holding my chest I hunched over while my one arm pressed against the wall as to keep my balance.


I whipped around, getting a fright at the unfamiliar voice.

"If you turned your head any faster I'm pretty sure you would have gotten whiplash"

He looked odd yet attractive. Ruby red eyes and raven black hair and a white mask that covered most of his face.

"Okay sorry I understand that wasn't that funny..... Uhm I use to work here as a surgeon myself a while ago.. If you'd like me to assist id be more then happy.."

As if a mountain was lifted off my shoulders, I accepted his proposal and quickly gave him a white coat.

"I'm Dr. Smiley by the way. You are?"

A small smile crept onto my face at this guy trying to make small talk as we sped walk back towards the ER...

"Y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you Doc. I'm assuming you remember all your stuff and know what goes where etc.... Good luck I have to go prepare for surgery."

His voice was like the music of angels. Deep but attractive and a bit hoarse as if he had a throat infection. Writing it off as nothing I rushed into the operating room making sure to scrub in.

Grabbing a scalpel I immediately started my work. Soon after doctors came standing on the second floor, looking down at the surgery.

It's been 36 hours....

Exhausted couldn't describe my state if mind.

"Alright I think we're finally done let's close her up and get out if here."

I could admit I was not going to be able to drive hom safely on my own so an Uber will have to do. After closing up the person laying on the operating table I scrubed out and made my way to my locker.

Grabbing my phone I was about to call for an Uber when it was rudely interrupted.

"So I know your surgerie was very busy and long but I got us some McDonald's  we can share? Even got some desert from McDonald's too."

Food sounded so worth being kidnapped right now I was keen on so many levels.

"Fine, but just know if you kidnap me, I'm one of the top surgeons at this hospital so they will come looking for me".

Getting the car I was greeted with a 20 piece McNugget, a (favorite burger), a wrap and a (milkshake/water/ favorite drink)

"I didn't exactly know what you would like so I got a variety."

There was a hint of nervousness behind that mask of his. My curiosity obviously got the best of me as I was staring at the mask.

"Why the mask?

"To hide my face"

I smiled knowing who he was mimicking

"Why are you ugly?"

"No, quite the opposite"

Giggling after this hectic day was somewhat of a relieve, like a weight lifted off my shoulders.

"So you a gamer? Or just into Call of duty?"

A deep chuckle could be heard as we stopped in front of my apartment.

"No I have a little sibling that is addicted to playing games."

Of course I found it cute....

"So what's your real name? It can't be Dr. Smiley."

There was a moment of silence as we stared at each other. His eyes was a dead give away that he was thinking whether to give it to me or not.

" real name is Devin."

Smiling in satisfaction I got out of the car and waved him goodbye as I walked towards the entrance of my little apartment

Despite having the money to buy a house, there was no need to seeing as I'm only person.

I wonder what job Devin does

My mind went blank as I stood in front of the now unlocked open door. Looking behind me to where the car once stoop

How did he know here I stay?

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