How You Met

41 0 0

Ticcy Toby

(This will be in first person pov)

I sat alone on a bench in the school yard. It was lunch time. The time I hated the most. I didn't have any friends and I had no interest in other people.

It's "people" who killed my big sister. She committed suicide about a month ago due to being bullied. It was really sad.. It ripped our whole family apart.

Opening my lunchbox I took a bite of my (favorite sandwich) sandwich and placed it back in my lunchbox after taking a bite.

Mmm my favorite

Smiling I ate my sandwich in peace until something hit the back of my head hard. I looked behind me to see the cause of it, only to find a group of other kids standing there laughing at me.

Placing my hand behind my head I felt around, feeling for any source of blood. Not being surprised in the least when I actually found blood.

Great now I have to take care of that too..

I closed my lunch box not wanting to ruin my little bit of happiness in a box and got up from the bench. Just as they started walking towards me the bell rang..

"We'll get you next time freak"

The girl in the middle yelled as they all went to class. Before I could be seen I moved behind a tree again, waiting for everyone to go inside.

I'm not going back

Holding on tight to my lunch box I ran out of the school yard and into the forest. Leaving my backpack behind.

I never really realized how beautiful it was. The ground scented of fresh earthy soil and the trees smelling like oalwood with a slight twist of pine.

So peaceful

I stared upwards towards the sky and  looked at the never-ending trees. There wasn't much sun due to the thickness of the trees, but the little sunlight that did break through made all the difference in its beauty.

While staring at the captivating trees I made my way a little further into the forest.

It was so muted...

Not a single sound. No birds, no children, no school just serenity, except for the sound of my shoes hitting a couple of braches and leaves as I wandered.

Being lost in thought while looking up at the sky I stopped when my shoes hit something with a splish splash noise. Instantly my train of thoughts were paused and I looked down shoes hit  water.

Looking up, I saw the most exquisite view I could ever dream of. The sun was reflecting beautifully on the clear waters and the water being so clear it looks like you could drink from it.

A river....

A huge smile crept onto my face, I chucked my lunchbox to the ground a bit further away. Quickly taking off my shoes and socks and my school attire.

Keeping on any undergarments, I ran into the river as far as I could run before my legs couldn't feel the ground anymore before jumping and splashing around. Not a single concern in my mind.

It felt like purpe freedom.

After some splashing and jumping around I got out and sat in the sun drying up. It was still relatively early and I had no need to go home yet.

After most of me dried up I once again got up and grabbed my lunchbox. Smiling at my little portion of pleasure, I opened my lunchbox and grabbed a piece of my sandwich.

Again taking a bite and putting it back in my lunch box.

Best sandwich ever

As it got darker I decided to get dressed again and wander around the forest trying to find my way home. But I soon computed I was lost...

Shoot ....

With my lunch box in hand I darted around twisting in circles while uttering to myself under my breath.

Soon after the sun set completely and everything was completely dark. Not a single sound, not a single ounce of light.

Nothing but silence and pure darkness.

I kept walking straight hoping to find any sort of road but to no avail.

After walking for a while I was staring to loose my patience, walking into nearly every tree this place has to offer.


Realizing my error I immediately shut my mouth and started wandering faster.

I was waaay tooo loud...

For the thousand time I walked into tree. My head hurt and my two slices of happiness were finished.


I froze dead in my spot as I heard some voice speak from behind me. Without thinking twice I made a run for it.

Running straight into a tree I anchored hard on my butt with a thud and oomphff.

"Are o...okay?"

A voice stuttered behind me once again. My eyesight was obviously a bit blurry and I had a headache.

Before I could answer a piece of what felt to be cloth, was pressed to my head.

"I d..dindt m..mesn to too sc...scare you. Y..your head is blee...bleed....bleeding a bit"

I sat still staring at the pure darkness. I could make out by the tone of his voice he was a man but I couldn't see anything else.

"I'm n..not g..goimg going going to hurt I prom...promise"

I sat still as he cleaned my bleeding  head. He gave off the scent of waffles, which was really calming

"I'm g..gues....guessing you're lost lost lost"

I nodded towards him slowly..

"Don't w..worry I'll g..get get you h...home o..okay"

Again all I could was nod my head. Just as I was about to say something he picked me up and started carrying me. Having his one arm under my upper back and the other one under me knees.

"I'm T...Tobt by the the the way, I all..already know Y/n"


"it's not to be be be we...weird but I wan...wanna to be y..your friend"

We stopped in front of my house and he put me down. I still couldn't see where he looked like, he placed me back on the ground and gave me a hug.

"Goodbye little waffle I'll see you tomorrow"

He said before disappearing.

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