How You Met

16 0 0

Jason the toymaker

It's funny the fascinating I had with dolls, a (y/a) year old having an obsession with dolls. It was odd as not many (y/a) collect dolls anymore.

Something about the life like small dolls just caught my attention.

"Heyy (y/n), there's a new shop that opened downtown why don't we go check it out, I heard it's basically filled with dolls of all sorts, so I'm pretty sure you would love it there."

(b/f/n) exclaimed as we sat by a little cafe having ice cream.

"Definitely I would love too."

Finishing our ice creams (b/f/n) paid and we left to the little shop. It was in the rather creepy part of town. The car came to a stop in front of the little shop and we looked at each other with a mixture of concern and suspicion.

"Kinda looks like we going to die today..."

(b/f/n) whispered to me as we both stared at the place. It looked run down, like It existence is older than time self. Shaking my head at what (b/f/n) said I opened the door and got out.

"It doesn't look that b-"

Looking behind me, expecting my friend to be there while I'm talking only to find she's nowhere to be found.  Sighing I looked back towards the car.

She looked at me with eyes big and shook her head side to side. Rolling my eyes I knew there was absolutely no way of getting her to come inside with me so I went in by myself.

Opening the door a little bell went off as I entered. It was a bit dusty but there were so many dolls. Material like, porcelain, glass, ceramic. All different.

One specific one caught my attention. The cash register was empty and no one seemed to be in the shop besides me.

Wonder where's the owner

Softly I made my way towards the little doll that caught my attention. It was captivating in so many ways. It's (e/c) eyes looked so realistic. Beautifully locks of (h/c) hair hang down onto her shoulders.

She was dressed in the most fetching dress I have ever seen. It felt as though she was starting into my soul as she looked down at me from the top shelf.

Biting my lip I smiled slightly as I stood on my tippy toes trying to reach her.

Just my luck...

Being short has so much disadvantages... I did a quick scan of my surroundings and tried again reaching out for the captivating doll. In split seconds hands was placed on my waist and I was lifted from the ground enough to grab the doll.

Without thinking twice I gently got the doll from the shelf.

Wait how did I get up here....

Looking down a yelp left my throat as I was suddenly dropped to the ground making sure to protect the doll at all cost as my body hit the ground.

"Wooow sorry young lady I didn't mean to scare you. I was just trying to help."

A hand was reached out towards me as if to help me off the ground. Looking up at the owner of the voice a male stood in front of me.

His red burgundy hair hang slightly in his face, his memorizing honey colored eyes caught my attention the most. I blushed a little as I grabbed his hand gently and got back on my feet.

"Uhm sorry I... uhm.... I didn't mean to scream..."

My voice was missing in action as my brain disconnected.

"Hahaha no no I was in the wrong m'lady shouldn't have just grabbed you like that, my apologies."

A smile crept onto my pink face as I looked at the ground.

"You interested in the doll."

He asked motioning to the porcelain doll in my arm.

"Yes it's beautiful, it's so realistic.. I have never seen something so realistic in my existence.."

I watched as the man in front of me smiled a closed eyes smile.

"Aaah where are my manners, I'm Jason, Jason Meyer. It's a pleasure to meet you M'Lady, may I ask your name?"

He took my hand into his gently and placed a small kiss on the top of my hand.

"Y..yeah uhm.. My name? My name.... My name! Shoot yeah my names (y/n)... Sorry."

Stupid was an understatement for how stupid I felt forgetting my own name.

"What a lovely name for such a gorgeous lady."

My smile never once faded or left my face.

"I'm the owner of this little shop, and seeing as you took an interest in the little doll I created how about you take it as a little gift."

I was in shock. Apart from the fact that he looked young and very well dressed it really looked like the shop needed the money.

If I was in his position I wouldn't give anything away for free...

"Are you sure? Like sure sure?"

And as if he could read my mind he death stared into my soul and responded

"Don't worry about the shop m'lady, money is the last thing I need, so please a beautiful  doll for a beautiful lady."

This guy was a total flirt and I have to admit every part of it I was enjoying at most.

I nodded my head and said my thank you as I made my way to the exit.

"Thank you Jason, was lovely meeting you."

He smiled and waved as I left and made my way back to vehicle with my now sleeping friend inside. The once bright sunny sky now replaced with a dark starry one.

How long was I in there...

Opening the door to the car I got in and sat starting out the window towards the little shop while my friend awoke

"Bloody hell!!! I was ready to call the cops!!! I through the guy kidnapped you!! Do you have any idea how much I panicked. I was so worried!!"

Smiling was all I could do as I listening to my friend rambling and being dramatic.....

And think about Jason

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