How you met

26 0 0

Ben Drowned

(This will be in first person pov)

Naughty was one way to describe me. Not the childish kind off naught where you steal someones candy no more off like the lazy, always looking for trouble kinda naughty.

Much as a tomby as I was I can pull off looking like a girly girl an time. My beany rested on my head as I played video games eating my pizza and drinking a soda.

Mum and dad had left the house a while ago off to some meetings in another country. Sighing as I got bored from playing games for 5 days straight I decided to visit the outside world.

Horrible idea but it had to be done...

Grabbing my sneakers I slipped them on along with a pair of (f/c) short jeans and a short sleeved top. Grabbing my skateboard I made my way to the nearest skate park.

Lucky for me it's abandoned and I was the only one to go there. The sun was hiding behind some smokey grey clouds but rain wasn't forcasted for another 3 days.

Finally arriving at the park I sat down  and once again enjoyed a soda I brought along... My headphones blasted music in my ears as my head slightly moved along to the music.

Drinking my soda halfway I placed it down on the cemented ground and got my skateboard ready. I didn't realize how long I had been skate boarding until I felt a drop falling on my face.

Then another and another and soon rain came pouring down.

Damn I was enjoying my time. Guess it's time to go home...

Sighing I decided to go one more round before going home. Worst mistake of my life. Due to the rain making the ground more slippery and my stupidity for knowing not to skate in the rain, my face met the ground.

Laying there for just a coupla minutes, the rain pouring down on my body and my skate board laying somewhere.

Woow just smart hay...

Again after a coupla minutes I decided to get up and look for my skate board, with bloody hands I picked it up and made my way home in the rain.

Opening the door, I made my way inside, putting my board down gently and kicking my wet sneakers off, disgarding it somewhere in the house.

That's when I stopped dead in my tracks.

A familiar smell caught my nose. Pizza rolls, just made.

Mum and dad certainly aren't home so what the hell..

Staring with eyes wide, my soul left my body as I saw a guy standing in my living room with a controller in his hand.

A green beany rested on his blond hair and his eyes red and black. He looked like a video game character from Legend of Zelda.

"Okay Wait!!! Before you scream."

I have never moved thus fast in my life, grabbing the bat behind the door I charged at him. Lazy yes, but street fight was my thing...


Swinging my bat, I hit his hard but the brat kept running.


Again hitting him this time to the ground. Quickly and smoothly getting ontop of him I threw first punch and my bloodied hand connected with his now broken nose.

Before I would throw my second punch he was on top of me, my hands pinned above my head as his blood dripped on my face.

"Eeeew get off you perv"

He looked surprised when I spoke.

"Lady you are a freaking danger to society, why the hell are you not in a mental facility, and that's a lot coming form a killer?!?"

A mixture of confusion and disgust was plastered on my face as I stared at him

"What the hell is wrong with your face?!? Fix it omg it looks broken!!."

Swiftly rolling him off I got back to my feet and looked at him glitching.

"I saw you outside at my skatepark and you looked waayyy less dangerous, you are the pure definition of looks can be deciding lady"

Gulping the laughter stuck in my throat down I wiped his blood off my face.

"I'm Ben..."

He kept his distance as be spoke to me from all the way across the room.

"I'm Y/n...".

That when it hit me

"A killer.. Why have I never heard of you then?"

His mouth nearly fell to the ground


Shrudding my shoulders looked between him, the pizza rolls and the video games.

"You still wanna play?"

Ben shook his head and looked towards the TV.

"Duh I wanne play but at this point I feel like anything you use could amount to a weapon.."

Again swallowing my laughter and keeping a straight face, I grabbed the dropped controller off the floor and plopped down on the couch.

His nose long stopped bleeding as well as my hands.

"You should uh you should clean your hands with some antiseptic or something. "

I nodded and started playing without him.

"Hay no fair!! Pause the game."

He yelled on his way back from the kitchen. The fact that he was killer didn't bother me in the least for some reason. Guess I'm to lazy to care.

As if he teleported, he appeared right in front of me and my controller unfortunately for him made contact with his head.


He dropped stuff on the ground and held his head.

"Put the freaking weapon down!!!!!"

I slowly placed it on the empty side of the couch as he rubbed his head and crouched down in front of me.

Gently taking my hands he started cleaning them with some antiseptic and cloth. After cleaning he put everything back in it's respective places and came back to me.

"I'd love to play now but I got to head home, I'll definitely let you know next time I come around, bye (Y/n)"

With that said he jumped through my tv. I stared in amazement for a while before laying down on the couch.

Guess going outside wasn't so bad after all

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