How you met

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(This will be in first person pov)

The wind felt refreshing hitting gently against my face and lightly sweating body as I lightly jogged down the road across from the forest. My headphones blasting music in my ears as to drown out all unnecessary background sound and exstra motivation to keep me going.

It was already fairly dark out and I was quite a distance from home. I stood beside the forest under a streetlamp looking around.

Sighing, I just now realized how far  from home I  actually went. Looking up at the sky, it didn't look as clear as earlier. There were now dark grey clouds littering the sky.

I have to hurry and get home, I really don't wane get sick and miss work.

Turning around at the streetlamp I was  on my way back home, jogging a bit faster this time around.

Who's fricking idea was it to wear short running clothes??!?

I rubber my arm using my other hand to try create some sort of friction for warmth. The once genlt breeze of relaxing cool air now turned into wind and suddenly didn't feel so nice like before.

It was starting to get really cold and the music wasn't really supriressing the cold or making it any easier to get home.

The wind suddenly and no for reason started picking up howling loudly, nearly killing the sound of my own music playing in my ears.

I continued trying to jog home, the wind making it nearly impossible to keep straight.

Thinking of how stupid I was for wearing shorts, my train of thoughts were cut short when I heard rustling  beneath my feet. 

A piece or paper made it way under my one foot.

Looking at it for a second I looked around before picking it up. Looking at  the weird symbol drawn on it, it was a circle with a cross going through it.

Is this some kind of cult?

A chill ran down my spine as I looked at the direction the paper came from.

The forest... know for its killings and people going lost. Its endless screams and--

I'm over exaggerating

I look down at my hand, feeling as though something fell on it.

A raindrop..

Damn goto run..

Looking down at the being now almost soaking wet paper I fold it up and put it in my bra.

I tried my best to keep running in the rain and wind, my hair sticking to my face and the wind blowing me side to side. I was barely able to put one foot infront of the other without nearly learning how to fly.

Making it to the next streetlamp I stopped next to it, taking a slight break from struggling against the wind. Luckily my headphones were waterproof, but I wasn't. I had puddles of water in places I didn't know puddles could be created. I was drenched from head to toe.

Looking forward, not much was visible due to the stormy weather. It was nearly impossible to see anything infront of me without drowning my eyes.

I went a bit further but stopped once I nearly slipped again. Looking down I saw another piece of paper made it's way under my foot.

The paper would have blow away there's no way in hell it could have made its way under my foot.

Looking towards the forest again, my eyes caught something strange against a tree. It looked to be another one of these papers. I didn't look drenched in water either. Just like a normal piece of paper stuck to a tree.

Obviously curiosity got the better of me and I wanted the third page too.

It's a bit of a steep hill down. And it's raining I could slip and fall........
I'll check it out tomorrow

About to turn back and continue my journey forward, the wind blew me and with one step back to steady myself, I miss stepped and I went tumbling down the hill.

Rolling over sticks and stones stabbing me in the side. Through mud puddles into leaves, some thorns made their way onto my skin.

I finally stopped rolling when I hit against a tree, hitting my head pretty hard.

Due to everything being very cold the pain was luckily minimal everywhere els but my ankle and head.

Slowly rolling over onto my back, I made an attempt to sit up. Looking around with blurred vision static could be heard from a distance coming closer and closer. Sounding of dozen of frequencies being mixed together. 

As the noise got closer I could make out the shape of what seemed to be a person. A very very very tall person.

Before I could get a good look at what was infront of me everything went dark.

My eyes opened to slits, my vision still blurry. It felt as though I was floating or being carried. My head still hurt from the fall and my ankle was in so much pain.

There was a loud buzzing noise in my head before a voice made it's way though the buzzing.

"Please don't be alarmed. I promise not to harm you my dear. Close your eyes. Everything will be alright"

I stared up at whoever was carrying me for the last time before passing out again.

Waking up, I stared at the ceiling for a moment before noticing I was in my room, in my bed, in pajama shorts.  There was no light emitting from my window so it must have still been night time..

How'd i get here?

I quickly sat up to look for intruders but I got a splitting headache instead. Putting my hand up to my head I noticed it was bandaged.


I quickly turned on my little night light and threw off the blanket. There was a  copies amount of plasters covering my legs and somehow I failed to notice how they littered my arm aswell.

My ankle was bandaged tightly and rested on a pillow.

I look like a toddler decorator me with plasters. Like we was playing docter-docter and I was one messed up cut up patient.

I awaited for my headache to die down a bit before turning to the side wanting to get my phone when I noticed a note resting on my bedside table with a glass of water and a tablet I could only assume was a painkiller.

Grabbing the note first I opened the folded paper.

Dear Y/N
I apologize dearly for making you fall last night. I needed a way to communicate with something as exquisite as yourself. I had no idea the fall would be this bad and I was a little to far away to catch you in time.

Again I apologize.
May you forgive me

With kind Regards

Ps if you want I'd love if you could accompany me again in the forest sometime. Just say my name...

Smiling like an idiot at the note I placed it back and drank the painkiller and water.

How did he know where I live?
Who's S.M
Did he undress me?!??!

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