Charms Class

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Y/n's first class of the day went smoothly and she was very proud of herself. She realized that, though she gained access to magic late, she was definitely gifted. In this first class alone she felt like she had almost caught up to her peers completely.

Just as she was about the leave, she noticed Sebastian waiting near the door for her. She walked over to him, curious about what he had to say.

As she approached him, he brought his hands together in a slow applause. Y/n rolled her eyes and giggled. She stopped in front of him as he stopped clapping and folded his arms across his chest.

"Nice work," he said, impressed.

"Thank you. I enjoyed that," she replied. She was glad she could make an impression on someone far more experienced than her, especially after seeing what he could do against others that had far more years of training than she had.

"That duel was quite something," he admitted. "Everyone'll be talking about it."

"It was certainly great practice," y/n twirled her wand between her fingers, smirking at the ground.

Sebastian, uncrossing his arms, looked at her puzzled. "Practice?" he questioned. "Felt more like I was dueling an expert. Didn't expect a new student to be so deft with a wand. Then again," He settled himself, an inquisitive smile emerged on his face, crossing his arms. " Perhaps this wasn't your fist duel.

"I've dueled enough," she confessed. "Consider yourself lucky I held back."

Sebastian laughed, " Fair enough. You owe me an honest duo when you aren't." A thought came to his head, and he paused. " You know, you might be a perfect fit for a certain exclusive, unsanctioned dueling organization."

This seemed to have peaked y/n's interest. Her eyebrows rose a bit. " Exclusive, and unsanctioned? Count me in." She knew she'd do anything to fit in with the other fifth-year students who had already established themselves, and learned the culture of Hogwarts.

"Excellent. Knew I was right about you." he was quite excited that he would be able to spend more time with y/n and teach her the trades of Hogwarts. "If you want to get the most out of your time at Hogwarts, you're going to need to break the rules now and then. Whether it's joining a secret dueling club, or sneaking into the restricted section of the library—you just have to be clever enough not to get caught" He winked at her and slipped his hands into the pockets of his trousers.

"Thank you, Sebastian. I'll keep that in mind." She brought a finger to her temple then tipped it to Sebastian.

"Good. Pleasure chatting with you. I'll be off, but let me know if you want to check out the club," he offered. " Perhaps somewhere 'unsanctioned'. We'll see if your performance today was sheer luck—or actual skill."

"All right. Perhaps, I'll see you soon." Y/n waved to Sebastian and left the class.

Y/n made her way out into the hall and took a left down the stairs. The sun filtered through the elaborate windows that adorned the walls of the castle. She walked by the numerous animated paintings that were all interacting with one another. She walked by a group of students chatting near a solo string ensemble.

She was astounded to discover something new and intriguing around each corner she turned. Never were there two of the same thing. Everything in the castle had its own special charm, which gave it life.

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