A Quick Distraction

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Y/n woke up early in the morning feeling exhilarated from her adventure in the restricted section of the library. She quickly got dressed and left the Slytherin dormitory, making her way to Professor Fig's office. As she walked through the halls of Hogwarts, she couldn't help but think about what she had discovered the previous night.

As she approached his office, she noticed that the door was slightly ajar and voices could be heard from inside. Y/n hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should come back later, but ultimately decided that it was too important to wait. She pushed the door open and stepped inside.

"You cannot be serious," Professor Sharp said in disbelief. "Goblins working with Rookwood? Makes no sense."

"It is—rather unorthodox, to say the least," Professor Fig replied.

"Unorthodox? It's inconceivable. It's—" Professor Sharp paused as he noticed y/n's presence. "—ah, Fig. You have a visitor. I'll see what I can find out." He exited the room leaving y/n alone to talk to Professor Fig.

"Sir—I was able to search the Restricted Section while you were with Professor Black. It was a book we were after," she explained.

"What? That's—wait," he paused for a moment. "You accessed the Restricted Section? But how—? Thinking on it, perhaps it's best you spare me the details."

"Fair enough," she said laughing. "In fact, the book was below the Restricted Section, as it appeared on the map."

"I want to hear everything. First, let's have a look!" He pulled out the book onto the desk in front of him and eagerly flipped through the pages. He stopped when he came to a spot in the book where a page was torn out. "Oh—oh dear. Some of these pages seem to be missing. It appears someone has got to the book before us. Still, I will need time to study what remains. Perhaps we can still salvage something useful, though it may take some time." He sat and thought for a moment before continuing. "I wonder why it was here. Below Hogwarts."

"I think I know, sir. I saw two more memories where I found the book," she explained.

"Another Pensieve? Godric's heart."

She told him about the Keepers, and how they had helped to replenish the village of Feldcroft during a drought. She also mentioned Isidora Morganach and Percival Rackham, and how they both had the rare ability to use ancient magic, just like her.

Professor Fig listened intently, nodding his head in understanding as y/n spoke. When she finished, he leaned back in his chair and pondered for a moment.

"Why those memories? Hmm," he finally said. "Perhaps this book will explain. Now I'll have to take it with me to London. The Headmaster has insisted that I speak directly to the Minister about George's death."

"What will you tell them about Mr. Osric's death?" Y/n wondered what Professor Fig could even say about what happened. To explain it would mean to explain everything about the presence of ancient magic within y/n and neither of them felt comfortable with revealing that kind of information.

"I don't know how much I dare say. George tried to convince the Ministry about Ranrok—but to no avail," he said disappointedly. "My instinct is to follow the path we're on for the moment and keep the details to ourselves until we know more."

Y/n nodded in agreement. "I understand. I'll see what I can learn about the missing pages while you're gone."

"Good. Don't neglect your studies," he added. "Your wand work is improving by the day—but you'll want to pay attention in Herbology and Potions. There's more to magic than spell casting."

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