A Trip to Hogsmeade

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A/N: Before we begin I just wanted to suggest that you start the song right as the two leave the Three Broomsticks, that's just how I read it.


As y/n walked into Professor Weasley's classroom, they were immediately struck by the warm and inviting atmosphere. The room was filled with soft lighting, comfortable chairs, and shelves lined with books on various subjects.

"Ah! There you are." Professor Weasley sat behind a desk piled high with papers, looking up with a warm smile as y/n approached. "I trust your first classes went well?"

"They did, Professor." she nodded to her in agreement. To say her classes went well was an understatement. It's not everyday someone gets to learn magic that they previously had not known to exist.

"I heard as much from Professors Hecat and Ronen," she smiled in appreciation. "Seems Professor Fig taught you quite a bit before you arrived. I wager there's a good deal more to your travels here than what you've told me—isn't there?"

Y/n's began to grow hot. "Nothing more, Professor." A story like that was just too much to try and explain at the moment. It'd be better off if she just kept it to herself for now.

Professor Weasley took it for what it was, knowing y/n would eventually open up whenever she felt like it. " I see. Like trying to get a sonnet from a Streeler. Regardless, you must continue to build upon what you have already learned. In that regard, I've asked your professors to help hasten your progress with some extra assignments."

"I'm not sure I have time for extra assignments, Professor." This year was already as busy as is. Extra assignments would just throw her off entirely.

"You shall find the time. You'd be astonished to know just how much you don't know. Therefore, you shall hear from your professors periodically about extra assignments to get you caught up with your fellow classmates."

This seemed to be non-negotiable. Y/n would have to suck it up and do the extra assignments rather than risk her performance in school.

"Now regarding the trip to Hogsmeade I'm sure you've wondered about. we've arranged to replace the supplies lost on your way here — including seeds, potion recipes, and spellcrafts."

This seemed to peak y/n's interest. " Thank you, Professor."

"And Mr. Ollivander will connect you with the perfect wand. You've managed your classes well with a borrowed wand. But you'll find the magic you cast with your own one to be far superior."

"I'm eager to get to Hogsmeade." Y/n was excited and ready to explore even more of the wizarding world.

"Very well, I'd like you to make your first visit to the village with a classmate. Help you
get your bearings. Perhaps, Sebastian Sallow or Natsai Onai? I've noticed you spending time with them." Professor Weasley suggested.

Y/n I thought for a moment about her two options. Indeed, she had been spending time with the both of them and Natty had truly been sweet, but there was something about Sebastian that she wanted to explore more.  "I'd like to go with Sebastian."

"Glad to hear it. Mr. Sallow is a capable young wizard and knows the area well. Not to mention I'm sure he'd be more than happy to accompany you on your visit." Y/n felt her face grow warm. " he'll keep you well clear of any of Victor Rookwood's undesirables en route."

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