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Two months later...

"Finally back. For good, this time."

The past two months flew by in the blink of an eye.

While Ryu spent his time rampaging across Dicathen's numerous dungeons, I used what time I had training my skills.

Unlike the techniques of my past life, which was intended to match a single opponent in controlled matches for authority,

I couldn't do anything about the network of cores in my body at the moment, but Ryu did tell me to be careful about how I use them since I couldn't just afford to switch to something new after how far I've climbed.

He was right. I couldn't afford to lose the strength I've built so far.

But I do admit, it would've been nice to at least make better use of my 'Core Network,' as Ryu called it.

There could've been so much more done had I not formed cores.

Now I'll have to either slowly break them down and form something like an internal all-around circulation system or get them destroyed so bad only my main core remains.

Not really a winning bet either way, so I'll have to just stick with what I've got.

"So, Ryu. How do you feel?"

A deep breath escaped his mouth as he adjusted his uniform.

"It is... a strange sensation. It has been many millennia since I have experienced anticipation once more."

I pulled my mask down and let it hang from my neck.

"Yeah, but don't you think you should drop the formalities at this point? What happened to good ol' 'Allow me to show you, pleb' Ryu?" I mimicked his low tone, puffing my chest out.

He facepalmed with a deep sigh.

"I was influenced by your mind to follow suit in a fitting state. This is the true me."

But then a smug smile showed itself on his face.

"Though, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad for a change of setting."

I lightly tapped his shoulder with my own smile showing. "Whatever, man. Anyway, why don't we pay a little visit home? It's been a while since we've seen them, after all."

With a nod, he agreed.

"Yes, it has indeed been quite some time. What say we go now?"


"Sirs, we've arrived at Helstea Manor."

We walked out and I gave the coachman a bag of silver coins.

"Good work."

"Best wishes to you both." He bowed respectfully and watched as we climbed the steps.

Ryu glanced at me with a satisfied smile.

"What can I say? He's a nice guy." I commented, knocking on the giant pair of doors.

"I said nothing." He countered.

"Coming~!" A childish girly voice rang from behind the doors.

As the door opened, I was met with a dirt brown patch of hair with curious eyes the same color.

"Well, hello there, Eleanor. I'm back." A smile made its way onto my face as my little sister ran into my arms.

"Jay! You're back!" She squealed in excitement.

"Yes, I am, little sister. And guess what? I got a gift for you on the way."

Immediately, her head moved up and a look of anticipation filled her gaze even as she remained wrapped around my torso.

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