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Hello my dear friends ♥️

Part two is here! Thank you soooo much for your votes and comments on last part! I'm so happy to have gotten 9 votes on a new story 'cause I feel like it's always the hardest to get a story out there when you just started it haha! So thank you sooo much ♥️♥️

Got a busy day ahead, so I wanted to publish this before then, so that I got some new content for you to read today! I really hope you'll enjoy reading this part - it's heavier than the first one - and I can't wait to hear what you think of it!! Thank you for your support always, and enjoy!!

Word count: 3740 ♥️


"Hey love", Josh said as he looked at Tyler through his window, his hand holding his phone to his ear. "Do you remember that I told you that I have to go on that business trip in two days?" he asked. "Yeah, I remember", Tyler said, resting his hand on the window. Josh did the same. "I'll be gone for about four days. I'll be back soon", he said. "Right", Tyler nodded softly.

"You have to promise me something, Tyler", Josh said. "What is it?" Tyler asked. "You have to promise to wait for me to get back", he said. Tyler swallowed difficultly. "...what?" he softly asked, but he perfectly understood what Josh meant. "You know what I'm talking about, baby. Don't... Don't do it when I'm not close. You... You have to promise me that. I need to be nearby so I can... I can be there", he whispered, feeling a tear roll down his cheek. "Don't leave me when I'm not home. Don't let me drive home knowing you're not there anymore. Don't... Don't make me travel back knowing you're gone and I can't be there with you, and hold you, for as long as I possibly can before I have to really let you go", he whispered. "Please promise me that. Promise to wait for me", he told Tyler. "And promise me that I will see you when I'm back", he added, voice cracking.

Tyler bit his lip, feeling his eyes burn as he let his head fall against the side of the window sill. Some tears escaped, just like they had done with Josh. "Okay. I promise", he said as he nodded softly. Josh let out a shaky sigh, closing his eyes as he felt more tears running down his cheeks. "Thank you baby", he whispered. "Thank you." "It's- it's really the... the least I can do", Tyler said softly. "I... I want to hurt you as little as possible", he whispered. Josh swallowed difficultly. He wanted to reply, but he couldn't. The words were stuck in his throat. He couldn't reply to what Tyler just said.

"Come have dinner with me tomorrow night, yeah? I'll cook for you. Let me hold you before I have to leave", Josh said. "Okay baby. I'll come over tomorrow night", Tyler said. He then breathed against the window, creating condensation on the glass before he drew a heart in it. Josh did the same, an even bigger one than Tyler had done, and Tyler smiled through his tears. "I love you so much", he whispered as his voice cracked. "I love you Tyler, I always will. You're the love of my life", Josh softly told him. And while it hadn't changed anything so far, he still hoped that if Tyler heard the words often enough, he would change his mind.


Momma Joseph was always happy when Tyler said he'd go over to have dinner at Josh's. Not that she disliked cooking, or making food for Tyler; he just barely ate when he was at home, while she knew he actually ate at Josh's house. She didn't take it too personally; she just knew how special Josh's care was to him. So she never told him he couldn't go over to Josh's, when he asked. Even though Tyler knew that, he still asked every time; hi momma, is it okay if I eat at Josh's tonight? Even if he was 24, he had never stopped asking. He never told her I'm going to Josh's. He always asked the question.

Josh decorated the table romantically; Tyler's favorite scented candles were lit, the lights were dimmed, he made Tyler's favorite dish, there was heart confetti on the table around the plates and candles and he bought flowers. Tyler always thought he didn't deserve what Josh did for him, but he appreciated it so, so much. He made being with Josh so special.

I Don't Want To Miss a Thing (a short Joshler story)Where stories live. Discover now