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Hi loves ♥️ here's part three! There will be a part four, just so you know. This isn't the final part just yet - I need a little more to finish it!

Thank you for your support and your votes on this story ♥️ it means so much to me!! I love hearing your opinions and I can't wait for you to read this chapter.

Let's get into it! Enjoy ♥️

Word count: 3800


Josh's heart dropped as he saw Tyler faint, and heard the phone fall to the ground. "Tyler?! Tyler!" He yelled, but obviously Tyler didn't reply.

He ran down the stairs, opening the front door that he left open as he ran to Tyler's house, ringing the door bell and pounding on the door. No one answered. Josh looked around, feeling his throat burn and his eyes were watery and he realized that the car was not in the driveway; Tyler's parents weren't home.

He ran back to the house, into the kitchen, searching his drawer for the key that Tyler's parents had given him - which Tyler didn't even know he had. They gave it to him in case of emergency, and right now, it was a fucking emergency.

He found the key, then ran back out - slamming the front door behind him this time - as he fumbled to get the key inside the lock, but he managed to get it in and open the door. He ran upstairs and into Tyler's bedroom, seeing the boy conscious - barely - and still on the ground.

Tyler smiled softly, his eyes slipping close. "You're- you're my f-favorite flower", he mumbled.

Josh felt the tears roll down his cheeks as he crouched next to Tyler. "Ty, baby, baby what's wrong, talk to me, please", Josh cried. "I- I wanna help, let me help baby", he said, his vision blurring because of the tears.

"I- I'm- I'm dying, I think", Tyler softly said. As Josh's hands met Tyler's skin, he realized how cold he was. His breath was hitching as he tried to help Tyler sit up, but the boy felt limp. His eyes were open, but it was as if Josh was looking into two blank voids; not at Tyler. "End m-my life, tell- tell the r-reaper I'm s-sorry", Tyler mumbled; Josh knew they were song lyrics. It broke his heart even more. "No, no you're not dying, you're not", Josh told him. "I- I am", Tyler said, eyes slipping closed. "No. No, no Tyler stay with me, open your eyes, stay awake", Josh cried as he shook his boyfriend, but his eyes opened again. "I just- I'm so, so tired", Tyler mumbled, eyes closing, but opening again. "Baby please, please stay awake. Please don't give up, don't leave me, please fight baby, stay with me", Josh cried.

He pulled the blankets off the bed and he wrapped his boyfriend in them. He tried to get him off the ground, when Tyler turned his leg, and that's when Josh saw it.

It was something straight out of a horror movie, but unfortunately it was real; Josh had seen countless of Tyler's cuts, but nothing had ever been as shocking and horrifying as this one. It was swollen, bright red, liquid oozing out, yellow blisters forming around it, some purple mixed in, and as Josh hovered his hand over it he felt how the wound was radiating burning hot, while the rest of his body was so cold and pale, the red veins showing through, seeing the mottled skin on his leg - but not only there. Josh couldn't help but gasp as he saw it, and he felt his breath catch in his throat - he'd never seen anything like it, and it made him nauseous, and it scared him.

"We're- I'm- I'm gonna get you help", Josh softly said as he cried. He lifted Tyler up in his arms, and Tyler made grabby hands towards his stuffy. Josh helped him grab it and Tyler hugged the bunny to his chest. Josh had bought it for him, and he used it to sleep with every night. As he hurried down the stairs, he could hear soft sniffles coming from the boy in his arms. Josh tried not to cry too hard, so he wouldn't upset Tyler even more right now, but the tears were silently streaming down his cheeks. He got outside and got Tyler in the passenger's seat, buckled him up and got in his car quickly. He pulled out of the driveway of his house and started driving to the hospital.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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