25-A few days full of saga

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25-A few days full of saga

Nick's pov

In the end, I went back home with my family. We had to drive 2-3 hours I believe to get back home. Talk about a joke. We could've taken the plane but they didn't want to spend money I guess.

I mean Ezra told me before I left that he booked a ticket last minute and took the plane just to come and support me.

I'm touched by that. I never thought he would go that far just to support me let alone spend a plane ticket to come to support me in real life. I always thought Ezra didn't really care about how much winning the championships meant to me.

To be real, I remember he admitted to me in the past that he used to go to the game before we dated because he thought it was fun, a source of divertissement. He wasn't there for the real purpose of basketball. Most people go there for fun not knowing what basketball is all about.

At least, it changed since I started dating Ezra. He pays much more attention to the game but I always doubted he understood fully what winning the championships meant to me.

He can be quite stubborn and secretive at times. I'm definitely aware of that but those rare times that he shows me how much he loves and cares for me are the best. It warms my heart every time but I'll make sure to never forget and cherish his actions like he did earlier.

We finally get home and get out of the car. Then, we all get in the house. I still have the trophy with me it seems like because Dominic let me have it.

"I'm so glad you won Nickolas!" My mom says. Still not over that? She squeezes me and hugs me.

"I'm really happy for you too!"

"I'm glad you listened to what I told you. You impressed me but not so much afterwards but yeah.." Oh, that... I stop hugging my mom and look at my dad.

"Oh, so I impressed you? Because I did the point winner or because I give you a reason to make you proud?"


"Let him talk honey." My dad glares at my mom.

"You're right I followed what you said because I had the desire to win! Not because you told me to!" My dad can only stare at me coldly.

"Wait honey, what did you tell him?"

"Nothing important."

"Oh really?"

"Nickolas, I already said it I'm proud of you alright?"

"Are you only proud of me because I won the championship and made you happy?! Are you also proud I stood up my ground and finally let myself be like my true self with my boyfriend?" My dad is immediately taken aback by that comment and my mom is only shocked to hear that.

"Nickolas! How dare you think I'm not proud of you?!"

"Because you only care about achievements that make you happy! You're ashamed of the fact I like dicks am I right?" My dad stares at me utterly appalled and baffled by my comment.

"What did you just say?" He says quietly but sharply. I can tell he is mad by his rapid breathing.

"I like dicks! What do you have against that?! Mom likes dicks and so does Allyson! I just like the same thing!" My parents immediately grow silent at that.

"I heard my name?" Allyson suddenly comes out of nowhere and says.

"It's none of your concern, Allyson." She glares at me.

"How can you say such a fact nonchalantly?"

"Maybe because I'm not ashamed of that, unlike you guys?" They all grow aghast.

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