1st-year anniversary special

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*As the title suggests, on January 14th Notice me for who I am turned 1 year old.

At first, I wasn't planning to do anything for it especially considering I was already working on the 1st year anniversary gift of I'm not just your boy toy, its sequel Nerd but Hot.

Through those past few weeks, I kept thinking how unfair it is that this novel gets nothing for its anniversary but the other novel yes.

And as you may have noticed, this special isn't posted on the day of the 1st year anniversary, no I am 1 month late.

So yes, this special means that I have decided that this novel gets a 1st-anniversary gift. It also means I got an idea for it but a bit late.

Regardless, this is indeed a 1st year anniversary special but it will be a bit different than the usual specials I did for holidays last year.

Although this special showcases a scene of Nick and Ezra in the future, this isn't the main idea.

Instead, my idea is to introduce you all to another form of writing I do, poetry! But not any kind of poetry, a specific one, the slam.

And this special is the perfect opportunity to showcase it all alongside a scene with the main characters.

In addition, since during the entirety of this novel, it was only Nick's POV, including specials, I have decided to make it a bit different and make this special in Ezra's POV.

So, I hope you enjoy this!"

Unknown pov

It's finally the weekend and I was just hoping to have some fun at home but Nick had other plans.

Once again, Nick had this brilliant idea to go out on a date. Seriously this guy sure does love dates.

I don't understand why he does
considering he doesn't need to impress me, he's done that multiple times before and besides he knows how much I find dates cringes.

Gosh, that guy can be such a pillock sometimes, he gets so cheeky when it comes to dates but it's fine, I'm used to it.

In fact, I don't mind it as much because it means I get to show off. Yeah, how could I pass up the opportunity to show off my boyfriend who just happens to be quite a looker?

Just the thought of that makes me so chuffed. I never thought the day I could do such a thing would come.

It seemed impossible before when he was closeted and that would cause him to treat me like his dirty little secret but I'm just glad it's no longer the case.

Of course, even after all those years, he's not as open as me in public, though it's fine, it's
impossible to beat me after all.

So even if I'm not a fan of dates, I've decided to suck it up, exactly for that matter.

Regardless, we just arrived at our destination.

I thought we were going to a restaurant but I guess I was wrong, we're at the beach when it's near dinner time.

Oh well, I'm sure he has his reason for choosing the beach, he always does.


Turns out he was dead set on the beach.

However, I wasn't too wrong about the restaurant idea because we went to eat at a small local restaurant near the beach but now we're back.

The sun is already below the horizon and there are not many people left on the beach, in fact, I doubt we're allowed here.

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