Author's notes

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Most recent update: 04/11/23

Hi, I'm Lauren the author of this novel. You may already know me from my novel Our complicated love story, my novel You've caught my eye or another novel. If you don't know me or my novels that's fine too! This novel is just one of the multiple novels made by me. I'm just glad that you decided to choose to read this novel.

All I can say it's that for those that do know me, this past week has been a lot. This marks the third novel I'm launching this week!

Before I give out information, I'd like to mention that any form of support will be greatly appreciated throughout the entire time this novel will go on. By that I mean, votes
and comments if you want to that is, will be greatly appreciated.

Remember that hearing your guys' opinion means a lot to me so does your like. It would help support me. Ok on to the novel's information!

Novel information

You don't need to like basketball to read this novel. Even though basketball is the sport one of the main characters does, the novel is not based on that, it is just an attribute.

I'd also like to mention that any slurs words, judgement, prejustice, homophobia or even racism if it happens aren't things that I condemn. The characters will have a long way to go to learn how hurtful those words can be.

Through I'm also aware that it might showcase reality as some of you might actually be going through this too. Just know that this is a safe place and a safe environment.

I had to clarify things or else the book cover really might give the wrong impression.

This novel is also available on Wattpad and Inkitt.

Description: Nick is the captain of a homophobic basketball team but things aren't quite simple. Nick is actually a closeted gay and he has feelings for the very same guy his team not only hates but verbally insults with homophobic slurs, Ezra.

With the entire basketball gang homophobic, how will Nick get noticed by Ezra for who he is and showcase he's not the same type of guy his homophobic team is?

For those that come from my novel You've caught my eye or have read it before, well this novel is in sort a sequel of that novel. For those that didn't, you're not obligated to read it as this novel works as a stand-alone just like You've caught my eye. It's a whole different perspective and storyline. Though, I still strongly suggest to read it as this novel goes on, some things will be referenced to my novel You've caught my eye and by reading that novel it allows you to understand those references.

Some may have realized already that the name Nick rings a bell, that it is because he is the ex of Leith! It's crazy to think a character that never appears in the novel, gets their own story. Well, surprise I did nonetheless. I can't say whether or not Leith or Kenton will appear in this novel but don't rule out the possibility. Ok enough about all this, here are the characters' information.

By the way, only the main characters get their own drawing, how the other characters look like will remain a mystery for now. Maybe if you guys want I'll later draw the characters.

Characters information:

*Note: All ages, weights and heights can change during the novel. This is just the character's information at the start of the novel.*

Main characters:

Main characters:

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