There Is A Reason Why I'm Untouchable

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After a while, Heimdall was back to standing at his usual spot, no longer angry or crying, but he did not continue his duties as the Watchman; he even had his Hǫfuð put away for once. Instead, he just had his arms crossed and was in very deep thought. He's been like this ever since he heard Weiss Schnee sing that specific song to herself. The tone, emotions, and lyrics really stuck to him. So much so that he couldn't focus on his job because thoughts, ideas, and memories overwhelmed and filled his mind, leaving him so mentally and emotionally confused.

"Forget your dreams, do what you're told, hm..."

Though before Heimdall could continue struggling with himself, specifically with his state of well-being, he was cut off by the sound of slashing and striking.


Heimdall looked behind himself and saw that it was none other than Weiss Schnee making those noises, and he seemed to be doing it by swinging around her rapier

"What are you doing?..."

Heimdall asked, tiredly, and just sighed in defeat; not really having the energy to be mad or annoyed with her, though his question seemed to startle her and snap her out of her focus.

"O-Oh, sorry, I'm just training with my sword… Sorry if it bothered you, I'll stop if it's a bother…"

Weiss looks down shyly, as if she had been caught doing something embarrassing, which made the Watchman roll his eyes

'Why does she even bother, doesn't she live a privileged life?'

With nothing better to do, plus Heimdall wanted something to distract himself from his own thoughts, so he decided to let his curiosity get the better of him. As he looked into the eyes of the Schnee, he wondered what kind of answer he would get to his question.


Though what Heimdall saw kind of left him in an even worse mood, as he let out a long sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose

"... Fencing is much more complicated and different than normal sword fighting."

A moment of silence before Heimdall spoke up again, which caught the child's attention when she finally realized what he had said


Weiss looked up at Odin, who suddenly looked at her fully and even started pulling out his sword, though it was still in its scabbard.

"You can't just swing and hope to hit something like a normal sword, it focuses on thrusts, speed, and very perfect and well timed slashes."

The Schnee was about to ask what Heimdall was doing or talking about, but she didn't get the chance as he dashed forward in quick speeds and swung his sheathed blade down upon her. This immediately startled her and caused her to fumble her rapier in an attempt to block, but due to her not being prepared, plus only being a weak child, it was easily knocked out of her hand

"And another thing, don't block with such a thin sword, unless you want it broken."

Heimdall took a swing at the young girl, who jumped out of the way and retrieved the weapon she had dropped.

"Try deflecting or parrying when an attack heads your way."

As soon as the Schnee was able to get back up to her feet, Heimdall was already in front of her and swung down at her, again startling her, but not only was she more prepared this time, but also using the advice given to her, quickly deflecting Hǫfuð and making it hit the ground instead, and after doing this, she instantly took this chance to press her advantage by thrusting her rapier at the Bearer of Gjallarhorn, who just simply tilted his head and avoided being stabbed in the face

"Good, just like that."

Heimdall praised the child for what she accomplished before kicking her away and into the ground.

"Though don't get too greedy with your counters."

Though Heimdall did not press her further than that, allowing the young girl to pick herself up and take a moment to recover.

"It could end badly for you."

Once Heimdall saw that the Schnee was back up onto her feet fully and seemed more prepared this time, he himself got ready with his Hǫfuð and was about to continue with their small fight

"Now then, try again."

And when Heimdall said this, instead of the child acting like this was too much and wanting to stop with this one-sided fight, she instead looks more determined and motivated, as if saying she wanted to improve, not only for her own sake, but now for the person who seemed willing to train her.

"Yes Sir."

And with that, the training that Weiss was receiving from the Watchman continued, it was very one-sided, even with him holding back, she was still getting knocked down and tossed around quite easily, which wasn't unexpected, a young mortal girl going against a literal god, though despite such an unbelievable gap between the two, the Schnee wasn't discouraged. In fact, she saw it as more of an honor to be taught to fight and survive by someone so capable. Of course, she wished that the training wasn't quite so harsh for her feeble childlike body, but she refused to show weakness and would only take this opportunity to prove that she wasn't just another weakling in the eyes of the Aesir's Scion. This bright flame of her passion just continued to burn brightly as she and the Bearer of Gjallarhorn continued their sparring and training with one another.

"That should be enough for the day, you may clean yourself up and rest…"

Soon, the sun had set and the moon shone high in the night sky, signaling the end of the fight. Heimdall returned to his post to resume his watch, allowing a badly beaten Schnee a chance to rest.

"Before you ask, I did it because I can, and I was bored, nothing more than that, it's not like I actually care if you're good at a sword or not…"

Seeing Heimdall deny his own kindness for being selfish and rude, the child giggled and smiled at him.

"Thank you, Heimdall…"

Once Weiss felt like she could stand again, she made her way to the magically clear water so that she might wash herself up, and maybe even an apple or two, before finally going to bed.


Though as Weiss did that, Heimdall just lets out a small hum to himself, looking up at the sky above and seeing the shattered moon shining brightly with the stars, he definitely seems more calm and relaxed than before, but still seems confused and unsure about something

'Is this how that drunk felt like with his brats?...'
Do you think Heimdall would make a good dad? If he wasn't corrupted by Odin?

(BTW I saw the new God Of War DLC and I couldn't help but like Tyr, I think he's cool now, makes me want to write about him in the future)

/Heimdall Abilities And Weapons\

All Seeing: Mind reading, see your soul, see your true intentions, see your past, and if he focused long enough, can see your future and have omni-sight.

God Level Agility, Speed, Strength, Reflexes, ETC: Yeah... He's a God, what do you expect?

Bifrost: A special rainbow-like energy that is used to make a bridge to his home, can also be used for attack and shielding.

Time Manipulation: Can slow down time, only God's or God like items are immune.

Sword Master: His sword, Hǫfuð, is his only weapon he has ever used, also if he adds Bifrost to the blade, it can increase it's power and open portal.

Gjallarhorn: To unleash Ragnarok, though it wouldn't destroy the world, but fuck it up pretty badly.

(He likes to whack people with it)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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