Climbing To Salvation

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"I really wish I could eat more than sap..."

A rapier blade was quickly stabbed into a tree, and after a moment of struggling to move it around inside the wooden trunk, it was pulled out, which made the tree leak out some kind of sap or syrup from the new hole that was just made. The one who was responsible for stabbing into the tree, while also collecting the sap in some kind of jar, was none other than Weiss Schnee herself, who looked a bit more dirty than before, but seemed to be doing fine, somewhat, judging by her wearing more outdoor clothes, having a backpack that had necessary supplies, and even having a weapon that she made herself from said supplies.

"Though I guess I shouldn't really complain, since I'm still alive."

However, despite Weiss no longer being just a slave who pulls carriages against her will, her current life isn't much better, as she is still stuck in the forest, with no way to get out, and since she has no way to leave this area, she is forced to adapt and try to survive. So far, she has been successful, not only because she has a sword, which she herself made, but also because she can identify trees with sap, which will help her avoid starving or dehydrating to death.

"Thank you Winter, for teaching me to survive..."

Once she had around four jars of sap, she put away three of them and started drinking one of them. She winced from the intense sweetness, but she powered through it and swallowed as much as she could. Once her thirst and hunger were momentarily satisfied, she moved the jar away and closed the lid. Before just sitting down on the ground and wearing an exhausted expression, even though she was doing a good job at surviving now, it didn't mean she wasn't suffering physically and mentally from just trying to stay alive. She sighed tiredly as she pulled out a phone-like device and tried to turn it on, which it didn't.

'With the map ripped and the compass broken, my only hope in escaping this forest is my Scroll, so that I can use my online map or at the very least call for help… If only I could find a way to charge it.'

She groaned softly as she hugged and hid her face on her knees in defeat. She felt so lost and helpless, not really sure what she should do now, whether it was even worth it to continue living, or not.

"... No, Heimdall rescued me, and it would be a waste if I just gave up and died."

Weiss clenched her fist and wore a more determined expression.

"I will survive, and prove to him that I was worth saving!"

Even if the person she was talking about wasn't actually here right now, she still used it as motivation to stand back up. She owed it to him that she was able to get a chance to survive at all in the first place.

'... Though I still wish he would've helped me out of the forest…'

Despite the respect and thanks she had for the stranger, she didn't really appreciate being left alone and abandoned like this, however, before she could continue to complain about certain things, she couldn't help but suddenly tense up and freeze in both shock and fear when she suddenly heard the sound of low growls and multiple footsteps rapidly getting closer and louder to her.


Weiss wasted no time putting everything away and running off as quickly as she could. Though while running, she heard the sounds of footsteps and roaring getting closer and closer, which made her panic.

'This Is Bad! I Can't Fight A Single Grimm Yet! Let Alone An Entire Army Of Them! I Can't Even Use My Semblance Properly Yet!'

She was extremely worried about her chances of survival right now. It was one thing to fight against the forces of nature, but the "Grimm Wildlife"; she was beyond underprepared for this. Even if she had some fighting knowledge, she was far too young and weak to even fight at all. All she could do was run.

'What Do I Do?! WHAT DO I DO NOW?!'

She continued to run and run and run, as the fear inside her heart and mind grew even more, however, before she could continue to run until she couldn't anymore, or finally get captured and killed by the very creatures that were trying to hunt her down, she suddenly stopped herself when she almost ran into a very large stone pillar that seemed to touch the sky. Surprised at seeing such a thing, she never expected to find this type of structure in the middle of an unforgiving forest. Unfortunately, she wasn't given the chance to consider the rock tower. The closer the Grimm came, the ground shook from how close they were. Without even getting a chance to consider her options, she didn't hesitate to start climbing the stone pillar

'I-I just need a place to hide and rest, at least until the Grimm passes by and leaves me alone… I hope the top isn't too far…'

The top was very high, very very very high, being able to touch the sky was a very accurate and literal observation, usually continuing to climb up such a structure would be seen as dangerous and idiotic, but with the risk of the Grimm still being at the bottom, waiting for her to be their next food or easy prey, she had no choice but to keep climbing


But her only choice wasn't exactly a terrible one either, Weiss couldn't help but be shocked to see water starting to fall. At first she thought it was just rain, but no, there was a real waterfall on the rock tower. This gave her an increase in hope. Not only because she was finally able to drink some fresh water, but also because it meant that she was getting closer to the top.

"T-The Top! I Can See The Top!"

And after a while, she nearly reached the top that she couldn't help but hope for, which was good news for her as her hands and fingers were starting to cramp and bleed from the near-endless climbing, but now she couldn't help but relax a little and feel less tense, knowing that all that she had been suffering up to that point was nearly over, so she quickly tried to climb faster up the stone pillar, wanting to be at the very top as soon as possible.

"A-Almost… THERE!"

Weiss Schnee smiled excitedly and was about to reach out to grab the edge of the very top, but was quickly stopped when a hand grabbed her hand and suddenly lifted her up. She couldn't help but widen her eyes from seeing a very familiar sight.

"I guess my mercy was put to waste then, hm…"
I wish to mention that Odin, Thor, Baldur and others exist, well at least some of the characters, Brok and Sindri doesn't exist, neither do Kratos, but most character, specifically from the Norse saga, exist, however they're not present at the moment, so it will be just Heimdall for now, but just letting you all know now, to clear up future confusion.

(Do you think, when Weiss is found by her sister, Winter, should Heimdall follow them? Or stay behind, would love to hear your reason why~)

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