You Reached The Top... Now What?

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"So, tell me, what made you think that climbing this giant pillar was a smart idea, hm?"

Heimdal lightly glares at Weiss Schnee, who couldn't help but look away shyly and was slightly concerned she had made him mad somehow

"I-I'm sorry, some Grimms were chasing me a-and I didn't know where else to go…"

Weiss glanced back before looking away again when he saw him narrow his glowing eyes even more so

"Is that your reason?..."

"Y-Yes Sir."

Heimdal glares more harshly at the worried Weis, not knowing why he was acting like this or what he was thinking about, though luckily for her, it was nothing violent or concerning, as he lets out a small sigh and tosses the schnee on the ground he was standing on

"When the Grimms leave, you are getting off, unless you wish to be thrown off."

Was all Heimdall had to say to her, as he then started to ignore her and continued to look out into the world ahead, she slowly sat back up, rubbing her slightly sore arms after landing on it, though as soon as she took a chance to look around, she couldn't help but go wide-eyed when she saw that the top of the pillar had a small pond, that also seemed to be the reason why there was a waterfall, the pond had the cleanest water she had ever seen, so clean that it made the water almost look invisible, and inside said clean pond were a dozen beautiful and almost magical fishes, changing colors and glowing for no reason apparently, making it almost hypnotizing, what stood next to the fish-filled pond was a large apple tree, and while the tree itself looked normal, the apples themselves looked as if they were covered in gold, it even shone like it was a pretty metal, the entire top of the rock tower, even though it wasn't much to see, everything was just beautiful and lovely, like a small personal garden, even the grass was soft and had unique flowers

"Yes yes, my area is lovely, I hope you enjoy it while it lasts, you'll never come back here again once you're able to leave."

The voice of Heimdall managed to snap Schnee out of her thoughts and make her look back at him; the way he continues to talk to her makes it seem like she is unwelcome and intruding, which just makes her feel more guilty for bothering him.


Before Weiss could apologize, the Watchman interrupted her with a sigh and shook his head.

"Stop being sorry already, I already know you're not that type of person, that's why I allowed you to stay up here instead of dropping you, it's just… Go ahead, drink and eat my things already, you have my permission."

Heimdall sounded annoyed and exhausted, clearly not knowing how or even wanting to deal with this. Though what he said was enough to make her feel better in a way, glad that she wasn't seen as his enemy or anything like that.

"A-Are you-"

"Yes, I'm sure, now hurry up, I don't want to hear your stomach growling anymore."

Not wanting to bother or reject Heimdall's kindness, Weiss just bowed and gave a simple "thank you" before leaving him alone so that she could eat and drink. She made sure to control herself and not act like a hungry and thirsty wild animal. This made him look back and see her actually walking towards the pond and apple tree with a calm and polite demeanor. This made him huff.

'Even children don't stay innocent for very long…'

Heimdall then looks away and back at watching over the world, saying nothing more, doing nothing more, just simply watching, that's it

"I-I brought you an apple…"

Though he was once again forced to look away and back at Weiss Schnee, who seemed to pick out two golden apples from the tree after drinking from the pond, and was now shyly offering one of them to him while trying not to look into his glowing eyes, which made him roll his eyes before looking away again. Though this didn't mean he refused the offer, he took the fruit and just simply bit into it, which made her sigh in relief, glad to not have offended or angered him.

"Do I really look like that type of person that would be offended easily?"

Heimdall now sounded a bit mad and offended, which made her panic instantly; she was about to apologize to him.

"What did I say about being sorry a lot?"

Heimdall shook his head as he took another bite of the golden apple, and Weiss was beyond confused about what to say or do next.

"I-I don't think you're the type of person to be offended easily, I just, you've saved my life, freed me from being a slave to those nasty people, and I, well, I just don't want to be rude to someone who was nice to me…"

Weiss just sat down next to him and simply explained how she felt and what she was doing; she didn't know what else to say to him.

"The reason I didn't kill you back then is because I know you're not here with unwelcoming intentions, so do not consider me your hero, because you would've ended up just like them if you were here for any other reason."

Heimdall was blunt and cold when he revealed this to her, which made her flinch in fear; however, it didn't really change how she felt about him, which he did notice and surprised him slightly

"Even if you say that, you still saved me, so please accept my sincere thanks."


Heimdall just watched Weiss bow her head in appreciation and thankfulness. He let out a small hum in response as he once again looked away and said nothing else. A moment of silence fell between the two. Both ate their apples and watched the lovely view of the world, as well as the sun that was slowly touching and hiding behind the planet's horizon.

"... Fine, since you're so curious, yes I can read your mind, or at least that's what you call it at least, and yes that's how I'm able to know what you will say or do next, which includes you wanting me to help you find your way home, which is a no by the way, my job is too important to give you an escort out of the forest."

"I... I understand…"

"... But I can point you in the right direction once the Grimm leaves."

"Thank you Heimdall, I would-."

"- 'Greatly appreciate that', whatever Weiss, just stop thinking about questions for me to answer already…"
My original idea was to make Weiss become the new Hiemdall, but now my new plan is just to help Heimdall live a more fulfilling and happier life instead of being stuck on a tower, alone and with nothing to do but watch the world grow old and change without him.

(Ok let's see, what are your thoughts on only adding Odin, who would be working with Salem, Sindri, to help the RWBY characters in the future, maybe at Volume 4-more, and Ratatoskr, who will be living at the place where Volume 9 takes place, which is a mix of the world three and fantasy place, and explain the weakness of Odin and Salem? Heimdall is still the main character, and he will get most of the attention and focus, I'm just suggesting these characters to add more story and make Heimdall not invincible, while also helping the RWBY grow stronger, thoughts?)

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