TW: language, panic/anxiety attack? Throwing up


George's POV:

I pace back and forth, hands on my head.

"Why am I freaking out so much!" I yell, a few tears sliding down my cheeks, as I lean against the wall. Sliding down until my ass hits the ground.

I sob into the hands, trying to stop since it's getting hard to breathe.

I take my hands away from my face, holding them out in front of me. Staring at how shaky they are, laughing at how pathetic I must look.

My chest tightens, and I gasp for air. My arms wrap around myself protectively. Reassuring myself that I'll be okay.

"You'll be okay.." I choke out.

"You'll be okay, George.."

Five minutes pass, and I'm still here trying to steady my breathing.

Tears threaten to spill every second. I feel like I'm being locked up in a tiny room, with my wrists red and bruised from the hand cuffs holding me down.

I try to sit up, but I'm only being pulled down.

My whole body shakes, and I feel my throat burn.

"Why me! why ME?!" I scream.

"Why me?.. " I then whisper.

My sobs slowly die down, and my eyes feel heavy. But the feeling in the back of my throat doesn't leave.

My eyes widen, and my hands fly to cover my mouth.

I stand up, and almost fall. I move one of my hands from my mouth to the counter.

I run to the trash can, opening the lid in a hurry.

The burning liquid escapes my mouth. Leaving an unsettling after taste in my mouth.

I spit over and over, trying to get the stringy saliva out out my mouth.

"This is fucking stupid!" I cry.

My stomach squeezes, and I feel like throwing up again. But nothing comes.

I hold the sides of the trash can, feeling my knees wanting to give out on me.

I close my eyes tightly together, and push myself up.

"Holy shit." I gasp as my knees give out, and I fall onto the ground.

"Well, fuck that."

I lay completely flat on my back, grabbing my phone that fell next to me from before.

I click on Karl's profile, debating on clicking the green button next to his name.

I sigh, pressing down onto my phone, and putting it up to my ear.

"Hello?" A voice sounds from the other side of the phone.

"Hey, I need your help."

"I'm on my way right now!" Karl says, a hint of worry laced in his words.

I hang up the phone dropping in next to me.

"Like I said, stupid.."


A little over 5 minutes later, Karl bursts through the door.

"George! Oh my God, are you okay?!" He asks, running over to me.

"I'm fine, my knees just aren't working I guess."

"Owh, I'm so sorry, George." He says, looking around and seeing the trash can open.

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