The Walk

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Stapy and Foldy were having a great time together. Ever since the bfb getting set up again they've made lots of connections and stuck together a-lot. Their friendship cause them to start dating along with them adopting Marker. They both hope that it stayed this way.

Stapy, Marker and Foldy were walking around planning to go home soon until they bumped into four people. "Ah!" Foldy yelped. The realization of see other objects from the corner of one of their eyes made him accidentally smacked Foldy. "Oh Nio! Are you alright Foldy?" Bubble asked waddling over to her. "Yea... Something hit me and it felt like a slap..." Foldy replied. "But overall i'm fine!" She giggled. Bubble giggled with her. "Zo where are you guyz going?" Cloudy asked. "We don't know! We're walking till we want to go home." Marker answered. "Convenient you four are together." Stapy joked. "We just enjoy each other's company." Balloony replied grabbing Cloudy. "Can we walk with you Foldy?" Bubble asked. "Sure why not?" She continued to walk. Bubble held Snowball's hand and tried catching up with Foldy's pace. The four in the back just decided to talk until directed to do something else.

As the seven walked Stapy got a call from someone. Who would call him at 7:04? Plus he kinda blocked everyone he knew except like 7 people. He picked up the phone and it was a random number. He wasn't scared of talking to anyone unknown so he answered.

"Hello?" Stapy questioned. "Stapy ehg we're about to have a team meeting. You might wanna come." It sounded like Bell. But sick. "Um alright?" Stapy said. He hung up quickly and grabbed Marker and Foldy. "We gotta go to some team meeting." Stapy told them. "I'll call you two!" Foldy yelled as Stapy hopped away.

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