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"WHY DID YOU TOUCH HIM?" Foldy shouted at him. "It was a accident!" Puffball whined. "A... accident?" Foldy stared at the broken dead body. She looked at Puffball, who was on the verge of tears. Foldy didn't know what to do. Her future lover was dead and her best friend made the scene worse.

She passed out.

Little did she know that her own child was in a bad situation.

"Hey Yellow Face do you want to play toss the dirt?" Marker asked. Yellow Face looked over at him. He had a dark yellow blush on his face. "Yellow Face?" Marker moved closer to him.

Yellow Face grabbed his arms and pinned him against a wall.

"Oh Yellow face! This is a little.." Marker was interrupted by Yellow Face kissing him.

"I- don't think.. we're supposed to.. do this.." Marker said shaking off his dark purple blush.

"No one has to know Marker!"

"Well Foldy has to!"


Yellow Face's claw tore through Markers skin and ripped out his heart. Marker dropped to the floor and Yellow Face dropped his heart to the ground and ran out the door.

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