Team Meeting.

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"Open the damn door." Stapy said. The door knob rattled and got pulled to the point the knob fell. "Did the knob fall?" Foldy asked. "Guys don't worry. Bell broke her window by mistake. So it's open!" Marker told them pointing at the window glass on the floor. They walked to the glass shards and then the window. "How do we get up there?" Foldy asked. They both looked at her then at each other. "What?" Foldy looked at them in confusion. They both threw her up at the window until she got up there.

"Now what?" She yelled. The door opened and Stapy and Marker looked at Fries in the doorway. "What the hell are you two doing?" Fries asked. "The door knob fell right?" Stapy asked. "Yeah but you couldn't wait?" Fries grumbled. "I don't know?" Stapy said. "Just come in..." Fries sighed. They walked inside and saw Eraser, Yellow Face, Puffball and Bell sitting down. Foldy just ran down the stairs. "How did- whatever I don't care anymore." Fries growled. They all looked fine except for Bell who looked tired and dull. "What's wrong with Bell?" Foldy asked. "She's sick." Puffball told her. "What happened with her?" Stapy asked him. "Well we're not sure but it could be from her not eating, her hanging out with her friends when it's raining and or snowing, or lack of sleep." Puffball said. "We're getting off task. Let's talk about the real important thing." Fries said.

"We all know Bell is sick and since y'all don't try to care for her-" "He's sick too." Puffball interrupted Fries. "Really I thought you were always sick." Foldy joked. "Very funny, Foldy." Fries rolled his eyes. "I know I am funny." Foldy giggled. "So does that paper shredder that you're about to see." Fries threatened her. "Quit fighting you bozos." Eraser yawned. "Ooo I have a idea for what we should do!" Yellow Face said. "I'll take care of Bell.." He added. "Don't you have medical things?" Fries asked. "Unfortunately, No but you can get some!" YF said.

They thought about it for a while and decided to go. "Wait... can't I go too?" Bell's low raspy voice said. "You're sick. You can't go." Fries told her. "You are too..!" Bell reminded him. "Bell. I want you alive and healthy. Losing you is the last thing I want." Fries told her.

"Ew their flirting with each other!" Puffball gagged.

"Come on guys." Fries said walking out the door. The rest followed Fries and was left was Bell and Yellow Face. Bell looked at the ground. The only thing she could do. Yellow Face was sick of her. "Bell my dear, You won't be in pain anymore!" He said grabbing a knife from the drawer. She looked over at Yellow Face and tried moving her self. Unfortunately she was weak and she couldn't even move a inch. Yellow Face got closer to her. It was over for her. The only thing she could do was cry. So that's what she did. The door rattled and opened. "I forgot my— wallet..." Fries looked in shock of what was about to happen. Yellow Face dropped the knife on her head. "Ow..." Bell cried. "Actually Bell... you can come..."

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