Away to Hopes

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Puffball's POV

It was a quiet walk home besides from Bell n Fries giggling on the way back. Who knows why they were happy. It was dark and cold outside so no one could really see. I knew we had to hurry. Evil Leafy could probably be out here.

"Guys?" I asked with a little worry in my voice. "Can we hurry up?" "Why? You'll take apart us if we don't?" Foldy scoffed. "Foldy I apologized already what more do you want?" I replied. "You away from me." Foldy said walking faster away. I felt like Bell or Fries were staring at me. Can this day get any worse?

Foldy stopped for some reason. I was expecting her to ask if we heard anything but instead... "You know what Puffy?" She looked straight ahead instead of down then she turned to me. "I'm not uncomfortable with you at the moment. I don't want you near me anymore." She continued walking towards the exit of this place. I heard Bell and Fries whispering and sometimes giggling a bit too. I couldn't take it anymore.

Don't we all make mistakes?

"Puffball? You alright?" Fries asked me. "No actually. I am not fine. OBVIOUSLY. How can you think that i'm fine? You saw what happened." I snapped at him. I forgot Bell was sick still but it's not like it matter. I grabbed her and started swinging her around in anger. Fries was probably telling me to stop or something but I didn't pay attention. The dizziness caught up to me and I let go of her. Who knows where she went? It's not like I cared. "Just know that I hope your death catches up to you and Bell." I said before flying away.

I flew around the forest till it seemed to be past 4:00 from the looks of it. Light was shining slowly. It was like a perfect day. Like none of this happened. Oh how I wished this was a dream. But it's not my fault. Oh no. I didn't do this.

I hope something bad happens to them.

I hope Foldy gets the karma she deserves.

I hope something happened to Marker.

I hoped that this nightmare would end soon.

And I hope Bell and Fries die.

This wasn't fair. I didn't start any of this. Why am I always blamed for something? I wish people would just understand me. None of this was my fault. I wish could just disappear.

I heard noises at each breath. Voices were getting louder. I really wanted it to stop. I think someone read my thoughts. A weapon was near me. I don't remember it being there but I grabbed it and then...



(K i'm done)

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