Missing Mystery.

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(A bit of nsfw, mentions of murder and murder.)

Foldy felt weird and happy once she woke up. She sat up only to be in fear and confusion. Where did Stapy go? Did he go somewhere else to sleep or something? Was he upset about what upset happened last night? Oh wait- they fucked last night. It lasted for a half a hour.

Marker was next to her snoring and kicking her. She moved to him and kissed his head. Foldy sat up and looked around at her surroundings. She was bored since she didn't know where Stapy went so she decided to look for him. She walked down the stairs and heard a conversation happening with Eraser, Fries and most likely Bell.

"No I don't know what happened."

"How could you not know you were awake downstairs right?"

"Yeah but I was busy taking care of things."


"Shut the fuck up Bell!"

"Yo, leave her alone you cunt!"

"Since when did have a connection with Bell?"

"I'm just helping her out."

"Helping? More like Simping!"

"Why are you upset about what I do?"

"Because you're the reason why Stapy is gone! That's the reason this conversation is happening!"

"You wanna know what I saw last night?"

"Yes that's what i'm asking."

"Alright then just say that instead of coming here cursing!"

Where's this medicine...
I know Bell i'm looking.
Check in the- egh! cabinets?
Why would it be there?
Why wouldn't it be there?
... I guess you're right.
(He grabbed the pills and a glass of water.)
I'm not drinking that.
You have to.
Make me.
I'm not going force you to take your medicine. You either take it or we do it tomorrow.
I'll take it with you how's that?
You aren't sick though?
Sick of dragging your butt around heh.
Yea... funny...
But Bell I kinda did get sick from you.
It's fine!
What was that?
I have no clue.
Yellow Face?

"Then we went to bed."

"I still don't believe that!"

"Bell right that happened?"

"Egh! Yea?"



Foldy's foot slipped off the stair step making her fall.

They all looked at her.

"Hey you three!" Foldy gulped. "Let's talk about this later I think Foldy needs to here this..." Bell sighed. "I'll look for him." Eraser said opening the door. "Where's Stapy?" She asked shaking a bit and almost tearing up. "We don't know. He was last seen at night. I'm suspicious of Yellow Face since he ran out the door then came back with grey slime." Bell said. "Oh..." Foldy shook there in shock. She looked over at the counter and walked over to it. There was a Knife, Some Jelly, and a Melted popsicle in it's wrapper. She threw away the popsicle and cleaned up the jelly. She looked to the side of her and saw Bell with a stank look. "Can I help you?" Foldy asked. "You threw away my popsicle!" Bell growled. "Bell you want soup?" "No."

Eraser looked around for any clues of his disappearance. He wanted to check the woods but that was the last place he wanted to look at. He walked around the asking people if they saw him or where he last was.

He sat on the floor and leaned on a rock wall and sighed. There was no hope. It was night time. He looked at the woods. He got up and a Paper smashed into the wall aggressively. "What the..!" Eraser looked back and saw a missing paper. "Have you seen him?" The short square figure asked. Eraser grabbed the paper and looked at it deeply. "That's... me..." Eraser walked back and something chocked him from behind. "HEY- LET... go..." Eraser passed out but the chocking didn't.

Snowball didn't want to wait so he put a rope around his neck and grabbed Blocky's arm. He didn't want to leave. It hurt him to see his friend dead. Especially since he killed him. What would Pen think about it? "Blocky come on." He couldn't handle the pressure and ran to a building. Snowball knew what was going to happen. He watched Blocky fall to his death and dragged his body to Eraser's body. He walked away not caring for the pink and red blood on him. He'll get all the money granted.

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