Sorry Stapy.

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(Murder and Robbery)

At the store they looked at some medicine things that could be useful for Bell. Sleep Paralysis... Headaches... Insomnia... Cupid... "What the hell? Cupid? Who's gonna need this?" Eraser asked. "That's a horny pill." Fries said looking through the pills. He knew what kind of pills she needed so it wasn't hard to find them.

He and Bell (he was carrying her) walked to the register until Eraser snatched them up and ran out the store followed by Stapy, Foldy, Marker, and Puffball. "Eraser, are you kidding me? Why did you do that? I legit had money with me." Fries growled. "Ooo! Paying now? What else freaky shit there is to you?" Eraser grumbled. "Freaky? What do you mean freaky?" Fries looked confused. "You— Ever since Bell got sick you've been acting so nice a-and so pussy!" Eraser yelled throwing him and Bell to the ground. "I'm just— Ah! Trying to help Bell! I don't have time for your... BULLSHIT!" Fries snapped holding his arm. "Why do you even care for her? Do you like her or something?" Eraser asked. "No... she likes someone else. E-either way why do YOU care?" Fries said looking at the ground. "Because— let's talk later."

It was night time and Stapy couldn't sleep. Foldy was sleeping on him so he couldn't really move her unless if he woke her up for a bit. "Hey babe? Can you move a bit? I gotta use the bathroom." Stapy said nudging her. "No... I love you..." Foldy yawned. "I do too just get up please?" He asked. "I don't think so..." She went more into the space. This made Stapy blush. "Ugh fine then.." He grumbled.

He didn't plan on going to the bathroom but after doing that...

"Stapy what are you doing here?" He looked to the right and saw and Marker in the water trying to swim. "Why are you here? What the hell are you doing?" Stapy said concerned. "I'm swimming!" Marker said. "Marker it's past you're bedtime."

Stapy decided to go on a walk and take a break from reality. The woods seemed like a good place for a walk. So he went there.

It was dark and quiet but he didn't care about that.

He stopped by a edge and sighed. He's been so caught up with his family that he'd been missing out on everything.


Something or Someone snuck up behind him.

"W-who's there?" Stapy muttered. No answer. He thought he was hallucinating and he sighed.

All of a sudden, a hand grabbed him and threw him down the edge.

The last things heard was his screams and him crashing to the ground and him breaking.

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