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Nick interviewed Inez, presumably to ask her if she knew anything about where Danny would go. I wasn't invited. Nick had said I wasn't mature enough. Perhaps he was right.

So instead I stayed with Skye, who much preferred to go swimming than sit on the beach. I joined in with them until Nick came to interview them too.

I was alone in the pool like the day before. All alone, with only the waving water to keep my company. I always seemed to be alone, whether I was at a beach or in a cafeteria. Loneliness was my only friend.

The I couldn't talk with them. If I did, worry and guilt would seep into my sight and everything, like poisonous ink. It was impossible to get rid of.

I decided to try and find Sunny. I hadn't talked to her in a while. I had been too preoccupied with Fae to care.

I was only so preoccupied with Fae because I was scared of feeling for Sunny. I was insistent I wouldn't be a lovesick fool. Maybe that was unfair on the both of them.

I got out of the pool wearily and got changed. I hunted for Sunny all throughout the garden, through the rose bushes and dandelion caves. I scoured through the pretty stone seats and elegant staircases. I couldn't find her.

I had been so alone that at that point I didn't care anymore. I decided to walk down to my favourite spot. I hoped that that would bring me back to my normal self.

I was just walking through the forest that came before the beach, thinking about what Danny could be eating. I was sure the selection of food in an apocalypse would be better than the food offered in The Base. I hoped so, anyway.

I spotted a figure through the haze of the trees. I knew who it was immediantly. The yellow party dress made everything clear to me.

It was Sunny, but why was she there?

"Hey." I greeted her with a tinge of confusion. Looking back now, I don't know why I was confused.

The beach wasn't just my place, although most times I liked to think it was.

"Oh! Finny- I was looking for you. I figured you would be here."

Sunny paused and looked down at her sandy sneakers for a minute.

"I'm sorry." She said. "About Danny. I hope Nick finds him."
"I don't really." I replied. I sensed the concern on Sunny's face, and hurriedly added,"If Nick finds him he'll be dead already. He's probably escaped."
Sunny gulped at the mention of death.
"I don't think Nick'll kill your brother, Finny-"
"He held a gun to our heads a while ago. I don't know anything anymore."

An awkward pause ensued. I looked anywhere but Sunny, my cheeks burning.

"I'll leave you be." Sunny muttered quietly, her eyes also on the floor.

As she left I wondered about stopping her and apologising, but I just couldn't be bothered. I was too emotionally immature for this, I thought. My heart ached but I didn't love it enough to tame it.

I didn't know why I was blaming Sunny. None of this was her fault.

I stood at the beach for a while, but it didn't feel the same anymore. The waves were too placid and normal. The sand was too perfect. The world was ending and yet everything remained. Didn't they all know what had happened?

I started crying then, I think. I remember tears sinking down my face like anchors. I remember thinking how my tears matched the saltiness of the sea. I remember thinking how me amd the sea were therefore both linked. The thought gave me peace. But if the sea was as calm as the night sky, then why wasn't I?

The sea wasn't missing its family.

I wiped my tears and waited until I was sure no evidence of my crime remained. I then walked up to have tea. The sun was setting. It had been a day without Danny. I wondered if Danny was looking at the same sun as I was. The one which was sinking back to bed with sadness and reluctancy, like a child sent to its room.

Tea was silent. It didn't help that Nick was staring daggers at me all the time. It also didn't help that it was salad being served. Just salad, nothing else. I was fed up to death of salad.

I went to bed with sadness in my throat and a sturdy resolve not to feel anything for anyone again. I knew feeling would only give me pain. I thought it was a reckless thing to do.

I woke up again in the middle of the night. It must've been because I couldn't see anything. I could hear a tapping at my window.

I stayed in my bed, full of fright. I could recall the strange stories of Gloomy Cay. Was the island coming to take me?

Suddenly my window partly opened, and something was slid into the middle of the room. I could've screamed, but I was speechless. I also didn't want Nick barging into my room in the middle of the night. I would rather die. Although, I did wonder if he would come straight away, and if he would be wearing his suit. Perhaps he slept in it. Perhaps he would keep me screaming as he put it on. I would never know.

I decided to brave it. I crept along the wooden floorboards, being careful to dodge the object on the floor. The floorboards creaked, which unnerved me. As I said, I didn't want Nick barging in on me in the middle of the night.

I turned on the light and the room's secrets opened up. The object on the floor was a simple piece of paper.

On it read:

"Meet us at the end of the beach at 8PM tomorrow. Pack your bags."

It was signed by Danny.

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