~A kind stranger~

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❗️TW: mentions of blood, pain and suffering❗️

After some time you woke up.

You noticed that you were not in the cold snow but in a room, warm and cozy.

You rub your eyes a bit to see better your surroundings and you notice a western styled room, you laid on a futon covered with a really fluffy cover, it was very comfortable and different from the one you had at home, then you noticed the beautiful walls that are painted with taste and decorated too..

Suddenly the reality hit you. No matter how good the room might be you still didn't know were you were or what would you need to expect to be your savior. A human that you despise so much? A demon?

You tried to get up from the futon but your legs were killing you since you weren't quite used to run for so much time and speed. You heard footsteps, quiet but enough for you to hear, someone was coming to your room, you launched yourself on the futon and waited for the person to walk in. A little knock was heard from the slide door.

"Come in, I'm awake!" You said and the person slid the door open, revealing a tall man. He slowly approached you and you could now see his appearance. He was 6 foot tall for sure, he had long silver-blonde hair and he wore a black turtleneck that had a weird red dripping pattern on it, he also wore some tan-colored hakama pants and he had also something on top of his head that looked like hair but it was unusual. Very unusual. On top of that he gave off a weird vibe that you didn't know how to explain. You didn't feel comfortable around him.

"Ara ara, finally your awake! I thought you would sleep for an entire day, well that doesn't matter anymore. Your currently at the Eternal Paradise Cult, I'm it's founder, Douma. What's your name beautiful?~" he said cheerfully, even tho he sounded very fake, you decided to play along.

"Uhm.. I'm Y/n, nice to meet you I guess?" you said emotionlessly, he looked at your e/c eyes and you noticed something you hadn't seen before, his eyes, they were beautiful, they were pastel rainbow but they had something written in them, you looked very closely and noticed they they said 'upper two', you had the biggest urge to ask about it but restrained your self from it sensing that he could not react well to it.

"Wow Y/n-Chan! Your eyes are beautiful! You look so much more beautiful from up close! But can I ask you a question?" he asked, you were slightly irritated from the compliments because he was a stranger.

"Sure, go ahead." you replied, trying to hide the the small irritation.

"Why were you, alone, in that forest when I found you? You know that there are demons that could be roaming around there." he asked and you noticed that the room got a bit colder that before.

"Well, I think that it's kind of personal, who knows maybe I was running around for fun?" you joked and forced a small chuckle at that joke. He let out a chuckle too but he didn't understand why didn't you want to tell him the reason why you were laying on the floor unconscious covered in someone's blood.

After that he asked several questions about you, like how old are you. Two hours passed so. Your stomach let out a grumpy noise and you were a bit embarrassed at it. He chuckled.

"Seems someone is hungry! Come I'll show where is the kitchen!" He said in his happy tone.

Douma POV:

She nodded and started following me, I don't think I will kill her for now, she's so adorable, hell she looks like an angel! But something about her is weird.. she doesn't talk about the forest encounter with me.. I will make her trust me maybe later she will tell me.

*TIME SKIP, she ate her fav food and went to sleep*

Welp I'm kinda done with her now, I guess I should get something to eat too!

I called a random follower in my meeting room and ate her, she was good also really healthy, I wonder how does Y/n-chan taste like! If she will found out about me I will try her then, or maybe even when we will do it I can bite her and try it out- yesh, that is it! I have to make her fall for me! That should be very entertaining..

Third person POV:

Two months flew by, she started to warm up to him, he was caring, sweet and handsome. Literally every girls dream. But he seemed fake, and Y/n wanted to ask about it him.

Y/n POV:

"Hey Douma-San?" You called out

"Yes, Angel?"

"I don't want to sound rude, but why do you sound fake? Do you not feel emotions?" You asked

He looked at you, surprised face was on him, he didn't understand how did you figure it out. His expression changed to a emotionless one in a second.

"Well you're right, I can't feel anything, not emotions or pain." He announced coldly

"That was kinda obvious, you can't laugh like me at any joke, that's kinda sad, but I hope I can help you by staying at your side." You replied while hugging him, he hugged you back. This beautiful moment was interrupted by one of the followers informing Douma that people were ready for him. He sighed and followed, while saying good night to Y/n.

You slowly went to your room and trucked yourself in bed, in these couple of days your back has been hurting very much, you once were told by your dear mother that L/n family is a angelic family, everyone in your family had beautiful fluffy white wings and bright yellow halo. But everyone was born with them and you were something like half-angelic, you never had them and you were sad, and hoped one day you will have them too.

This day has come, while you were sleeping, you felt a very sharp pain that felt like two knife were stabbed in your back, you screamed from the pain. Douma came soon barging in like never before, he saw you on the floor rolling around, covered in blood from your back and in huge pain.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you covered in blood and rolling around on the floor?" He sounded worried since you were alright just yesterday.

"Well Sherlock, can't you see? I'm bleeding from my back. Can you just check? It's not like I can." You hissed at him as you rolled on your back.

"Ok ok calm down, oh shi-" he wasn't sure of what was he seeing, two bones were sticking out your back, it looked like featherless chicken, but worse and shorter.

"What is there? Come on answer me, your making me nervous." You hissed angrily at him again

"How do I say this? You have two bones sticking out of your back, it kinda looks like featherless chicken wings." He joked trying to remove the tension.

"Are you sure your human, darling?" He asked curiosly

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