~Flying like a bird~

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"Y/n-chan! Y/n-chan! Wake up, I'm bored!" you slowly woke up to Douma poking your face.

Oh yes after yesterday you went to his room and cuddled with him till you fell asleep, as you remembered you became as red as a tomato and of course Douma couldn't miss his sweet tease time.

"Oh. Y/n-chan's remembering?" he giggles "wanna retry it?" he scoots to you while teasing you some more.

"S-stop it you..uhh" you stutter due to your embarrassment.

"What's the matter? Can't swear on me?" He teases again, you then had enough of it and mentally slapped him only to him yelp of surprise as you snap back into reality.

"Uhh..Y/n-chan? I thought you can't move those things." he sounded surprised.

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything." you protested.

"You literally slapped me with those..uhh..wings?" he tries to explain.

"Oh.. well I just imagined to do that with my hands in my mind so.. I didn't actually do that on purpose.. hehe." you explained.

"Ok I'm kinda hurt but anyway. Hmm do you think you can do something else I want to see if my brand new idea could work out." He asked pouting at the beginning.

"Sure, worth a shot." you agreed. 

You closed your eyes, concentrating on every part of your body as it could help trigger your new discovered ability, and thought of shaking your left arm.

"Y/n-chan! Your left wing just shook! So cool! Try the other one!" he exclaimed happily like a little kid getting some candy.

You tried the same thing again but this time with the right arm. Douma began clapping his hands (again) and congratulating too, he was amused at your abilities and was determined to make you learn something regarding your wings. He then asked a chair from a follower passing by.

"Y/n-chan! Can you please stand on that chair please?" he asked me while pointing to a chair.

You nodded and climbed on it.

"Uh. What now?" You asked.

"Well Y/n-Chan, can you try thinking of like the same thing before while jumping from the chair. I promise to catch you if it doesn't work!" he promised as you trusted him and nodded.

You now were concentrating on your arms. You jumped from the chair and thought of waving really fast like a bird's wings. Well you were caught by Douma because that didn't work so well by the first time and you fell. 

— time skip —

You now were trying for days to learn flying but so far you could only levitate for a couple of seconds. You were pretty disappointed by that but Douma was really happy even by that, saying that you were so special to even have wing and could fly with more practice.

Well life was quite good for some time now. You were happily living with Douma and he even proposed to train you not only fly but fight too, you gladly accepted the offer since if you were trained enough you could be invincible and could hunt with him, animals, yeah.

— time skip (again srry)—

"Come on Y/n-Chan! You can do it this time!" Douma cheered.

"I hope so, it's been so long!" you rumbled sadly (ah yes fnaf reference)

As always you were hoping like an idiot that today you could finally fly or at least levitate longer. You took off the chair with a little jump and...

"YAY DOUMA-SAN! IM FLYING! IM FLYING! YAY YAY!" You exclaimed happily.

"Y/N CHAN'S FLYING YAY! You finally did it!" he cheered as well while grabbing you by your waist and gently pulling you into a kiss like a sign of celebration.

- Author's note -

Hey guys! Sorry for my absence, I was having tough time at school so I couldn't update this story, but today I will reward you guys by doing more that two charapters! Enjoy!

Taisho secrets:

- Douma is really happy that you added "-San" to his name.

- You were giving up flying since you had made little no progress.

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