𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆 ━━ (n.) a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts, ❛ a daydream ❜
𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 ━ after saving the world in 1963,
y/n and the hargreeves siblings travel back
to 2019, happy to finally be able...
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Y'know that horrible nauseous feeling you get when you're on a boat? Yeah, that's what I feel right now. Which, come to think of it, is really weird since I don't usually get sick when Five teleports us places. I guess maybe it's the nerves. New time period and all. Eh, I'll survive. I hope...
"Holy shit..." I sighed, taking in our surroundings. We were stood in a huge open space, marble columns surrounding us and an old chandelier above. "Oh, good god!" Luther groaned and stretched, just like everyone else. I guess Five was the only one fully use to the experience. "Wh-What, what day is it?" Five picked up a newspaper on the table before us, reading the date aloud, "April 2nd, 2019. Day after the apocalypse."
I didn't have the energy to be confused right now, but I thought the apocalypse happened in '63. I wasn't about to question it though. "Wait, so we stopped it." "Oh my god, it's over?" "Did we...actually succeed at something? That's incredible!" Klaus exclaimed, as Allison, Vanya and I all chuckled. "Oh! I don't know about you guys, but I need a drink" "Yes!" Luther agreed, nodding and embracing Klaus. "In fact, I need several!" "I'm in, I'm in!" Vanya smiled, as I nodded too. Luther gave me a look, questioning whether or not I should be allowed to, but hey, I don't have any parents to stop me.
"I should go find Claire..." Allison sighed, looking around hesitantly. I'd heard the name 'Claire' before, but I'd never actually figured out who it was. Luther persuaded Allison to join us, as we all entered the living room. "Shit, you guys live here?!" My eyes widened as I stared about the enormous room. There was no fucking way... "Yup. God, I thought I'd never say it, but I missed this old dump!" Klaus sighed, earning a laugh in agreement from Vanya.
I admired my surroundings, taking in the walls of bookshelves, and the priceless artifacts displayed everywhere. My eyes landed on a portrait though, just above the mantelpiece. "Hey, uh...who's that?" I asked, to no one in particular. Diego was the first to answer, confusion displayed on his face. "Why is there a painting of Ben over the mantelpiece?"
My mind instantly turned back to when I asked Five who Ben was at my apartment . He'd told me he was their dead brother, so it made sense as to why there was a painting hung up of him. The others seemed to disagree with that though, as all of them turned and looked in confusion at the image.
"Is it not supposed to be there...?" I asked hesitantly, earning a perplexed head shake from Five. He stared up at the painting, his face twisted into an expression I couldn't read.
"I knew you'd show up eventually." A voice sounded from near the fire. A man, who I immediately recognised as the Hargreeves' father, stood up to face us. He looked almost identical to when we'd seen him at the gala, only his hair was practically white now.