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  "Five," Allison rose from her seat on the bench, her expression speaking for her, "Where the hell is the briefcase?"
  He avoided her gaze, looking down at me instead. He looked away almost instantly though, his face helpless. He didn't know. And he didn't have to tell us either. We could all tell he'd lost it.

  My gaze shifted over the Hargreeves' faces, one by one, taking in their expressions. Allison looked as though she had some very murderous intentions running through her mind, whilst the others just looked disappointed. I glanced up at Five, at his lips that curled into a small frown, at his eyebrows furrowed with frustration, at his eyes which seemed to narrow the longer I stared at them.

  "We'll find it." I stated firmly, rising from the table and leaving towards a path. Did I have a clue where I was going? Absolutely not. Did it matter? Probably.
  Five joined my side though, resting a hand on my lower back.
  "Thanks," He whispered, his voice huskier than usual. My smile was all he needed to form a soft grin on his own lips. I liked that he smiled whenever I did-it made me want to smile more. It gave me something to be happy about.

  A group of footsteps from behind informed us that the rest of the Hargreeves had decided to join us. We continued on in silence for at least another 10 minutes, the park becoming more crowded as we walked. I'd noticed a lot of people staring at us as we passed. I suddenly felt self-concious about the bright, floral pants I wore. Everyone around us seemed to be dressed exclusively in neutrals. What a boring life...

  "What are we doing?" Allison asked, waving her hands in exasperation. Her tone was laced in venom.
  "Ruminating." Five asked. About what exactly? What was there to 'ruminate' about? Other than where the hell the briefcase was?
  Klaus voiced my previous thoughts in a whiny tone, "Why's everyone staring at us?"
  "Because we look like the damn village people just lost a fight," Diego said, pulling Klaus' hat off. He jumped for it as Diego hid it under his arm, out of Klaus' reach.

  "You know what? I need to go find Claire. I'll catch up with you guys later," Allison began to walk away, before Vanya called after her.
  "Hey, Allison, no. First, let's get somewhere safe, clean up those cuts, and then we'll go find her."

  "Man, I hate those guys." Luther muttered, staring up at a billboard of the Sparrows. Huh. Guess they were famous. I looked up at the ugly guy's face.
  ...How does one get famous looking like that?-
  "Look at 'em with their...stupid smug..."
  "You can do it." Klaus encouraged over his shoulder, "You can do it."
  Klaus sighed as I stiffled a laugh, "Keep working on it, big guy. You'll land one...eventually."

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