Chapter 11

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The food was all very good, all of the dwarves made sure I got more than enough to eat due to my need to gain weight.  We ate in comfortable silence until Fili and Kili got into a scuffle about who should get the last chicken wing.  They ended up rolling on the ground wrestling but they weren't actually trying to hurt each other.  I looked at Thorin, who wasn't paying attention to them.  I could tell by the look on his face that they had done this all the time before.

Where is their father?

He was killed in battle when they were very young.  I helped my younger sister Dís raise them.

Oh, did they get into a lot of trouble?

Mostly for pranking other dwarves, they were little devils. He grinned, Dwalin was there most of the time too, he's like a godfather to them although they don't have official godparents.  Grab that last wing while neither of them are looking.

I gave him a funny look but snatched it up anyhow.

Why, do you want it?

Yes, I used to do this all the time.

Well too bad, grab it yourself next time. With that, I started to eat it myself while Thorin watched but before he could say anything, it was gone and I threw the bone at the brothers.  It sailed right between their faces, causing them to look around.  They saw that the wing was gone and that Thorin was trying to hold back laughter.

"Uncle!  That was ours!"  They protested.  Thorn burst out laughing and pointed at me.

"He told me to grab it, so I did but I didn't give it to him."

"You threw it at us?!  Come on, Mereniver!" Kili pouted slightly.

"Aww, come on Kili, I needed it more than you did and I had a feeling that shouting for you to stop wouldn't work."  Before they could saw anything, a loud belched erupted from Dwalin, who was drinking ale with most of the other dwarves.  This caused several other dwarves to issue louder belches and the rest of them to burst out laughing.

It was at that moment that Arwen walked back into the clearing, followed by a pair of elves that both looked like younger versions of Lord Elrond, although one looked more serious than the other.  The look on their faces, particularly Arwen's, only caused us to laugh more.  When I finally got my amusement under control I said,

"Sorry about that Arwen, these are your brothers I take it?"

"Yes," she gestured to the one with a mischievous look in his eye, "This is Elrohir, and this one," she pointed at the other one, "Is Elladan, they are my older twin brothers."

"But I thought elves couldn't have twins." Bofur said this more to himself than anyone else.

"Aye, they are very rare, but not as rare as dwarf twins but less common than human twins."  It was Elladan that spoke, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Mereniver."

"Just Mereniver, please."  Elrohir came forward, took my hand, and kissed the back of it.  Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Thorin looked livid.

"It's an honor to meet the last mermaid.  I hope I shall get to know you better during your stay here."

"Indeed, although I'm afraid I'll have to ask you not to pursue me romantically, for my heart already belongs to another."  He looked slightly disappointed for a moment.

"Very well, lovely Mereniver, your smallest wish is my greatest command."

"Elrohir!" Elladan said sharply, "We have patrol duty now!"

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