Chapter 50

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Guys, I am so, so, SOOOOO sorry I didn't update yesterday or Saturday!!!! I hope you guys can forgive me, I had a play both nights and spent both days rehersing so by the time I got home, showered, and makeup off, I was ready to collapse. I'm soooooo sorry!!!! PLEASE don't kill me!!!

I also haven't had time to proof read this so please excuse any spelling/grammar errors

Chapter 50

Kili had been taken to the dungeons and Mereniver laid down in a room in Dale where Lord Elrond was keeping a close watch on her for any chances. He assured me that the twins were fine and I had no choice but to believe him. Lord Dunar had been disposed of by the other lords of the council while I negotiated with Bard. We ended up agreeing that Mereniver, and all of the others who had been affected by the poison, stayed in Dale until the wedding, which was now five days away counting today but the sun was about to set anyway. The council had lifted the ban on me seeing her so special arrangements had been made for us to stay together. The only night we would have to be apart was the night before the wedding, as was the tradition in all civilized cultures. It wasn't until I returned to our temporary room from dinner and dismissed the elf that she jerked awake, sweating and breathing heavily. She still looked overly tired, the paleness of her face made the shadows under her eyes more prominent than ever.

Mereniver's POV

I jerked awake, the echoes of yet another nightmare fading from my mind. The first thing I focused on was Thorin, who stood just inside the room. The room. It was different than any other room I had seen in Erebor and it didn't dawn on me until I looked out the window and saw the mountain that I was no longer in Thorin's kingdom. I looked back at Thorin, who had walked over to the bed and stood by my side.

"How do you feel?"

"Tired and shaken but otherwise I'm alright. What happened? I blacked out after you caught me."

"Kili is facing a lifetime in prison for the murder of Lord Dunar and Bombur a week for allowing him into the kitchens."

"That's terrible! You know Dunar would've killed me if he hadn't killed him first!

"I know and I'm trying to negotiate as best I can with the remaining council members to see if I can shorten his sentence but all I have secured is permission for him to attend our wedding and to meet his cousins when they are born."

"Oh Thorin, that's terrible! How did Tauriel react?"

"She almost got herself arrested so as to join him but Wani and Arwen wouldn't allow it."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Yes, you can try and get some sleep."

"But every time I close my eyes something bad happens!"

"I'm going to be right here the whole time so should you wake up I'll be right here for you."

"You can do that?"

"The council has granted us leave to be together, the only night we have to be apart is the night before the wedding and even then I'll stay with you as long as your lady in waiting will allow."

"My lady in waiting?"

"A young human girl with a poor family. They can no longer provide for her and begged someone to take her in. I accepted. She's very nice, a few years younger than you but very obedient. Her name is Eleanor."

"Where is she now?"

"Packing her things. I told her to not show up until mid morning tomorrow."

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